Auto unflag PVP for dungeon finder

This just seems like a no brainer. When folks que up and the group ends up half flagged and half unflagged some group buffs don’t work. You always end up with one person that pretends they don’t, or maybe truly doesn’t understand how to flag for pvp. Just unflag us automatically for crying out loud!


As the healer constantly queueing into 2 flagged and 2 unflagged, now I’m just flagging myself so I can actually heal everyone. Used to ask everyone to turn it off, most don’t. Gotta be ready for that action(?) they get on Pagle.


I’ve reached a point where I kind of hope it never gets fixed just because it endlessly infuriates the people that are adamantly against flagging themselves. Especially the ones that act like people that are flagged are just trolling, when you’re auto-flagged on pvp servers

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flag yourself then its a non issue.


People on pvp servers are perma-flagged and can’t turn it off. Unless there’s a fix we have to flag. It seems I remember back in original wrath if you buffed or healed someone flagged you auto flagged. But that was so long ago perhaps I’m misremembering.

Auto perma flag upon entering rdf plz


The funniest part is that it really IS a no brainer. The programming for it already exists in the game as evidenced by the fact that you are ALWAYS automatically unflagged for PvP when you take a flight point. All they would have to do would be to use the EXACT SAME CODE for when people enter an instance.

Perhaps it is the fact that it really IS too easy that is blinding them to its implementation? Hard to know these days with Blizzard… :thinking:


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they could copy pasta it from retail. It has to turn it off. Or else they’d have pvp talents working in the instance from warmode on.

NGL…that would have been really cool in SL runs I did. Some of those pvp talents could be nice.

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Was coming to the forums to discuss just this thing.

Either auto flag/unflag everyone up entering a dungeon via RDF, or make it so buffs/heals don’t care about your pvp status.

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What is wrong with Pagle? They pvp flag a lot or don’t or what? I guess I don’t understand the connection between that server and you having to flag.

yes, but instead, flag for pvp

I keep my healers flagged so I don’t have to check the group and worry about my AoE healing hitting everyone, but this means I miss out on unflagged shaman totems and what not :frowning:

Not sure why this hasn’t been fixed yet. Copy and paste the same system you already use in retail.

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No, I play on Grobb. Not how it works. I queue from Dal and zone in with a blue plate, as do most people. Those who were out in the world, only stay green for 5 minutes.
Unless they’re personally forced on.

In a pvp zone, yes. In a dungeon, it just tries to block your cast or skips them.

It’s just amusing because it’s a one sided pve server. Why would they need to be flagged? Yet those are the people who have it forced on. Nothing to fear in the world, I guess.

Blizzard either should not make it an issue or just instantly unflag you once you enter an instance. Since when do you kill the other faction in a dungeon.

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My 80 resto druid is on a one-sided PvE server and I have perma flag on because it’s just easier to make sure my wild growth hits everyone without having to change it back and forth constantly.

I wish they’d change it though so I didn’t have to do that and could get totem buffs from unflagged shaman and what not.

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Right, exactly. As the healer you almost have to flag up.
I was asking what the sense of my flagged DPSers was, causing the issue.

It’s possible they just turned it on once when someone asked and don’t even realize it’s still on.

Or if they’re a DPS with a group buff they turned it on so their buff(s) hit everyone. IE: shaman DPS totems won’t hit PvP flagged players if the shaman isn’t flagged. Or any class with the hour long group buffs would have to single buff some people which might have annoyed them at some point.

Didn’t original have dungeons unflag you? Why doesn’t it work in classic?



Toc you do lol