Auto swap Macro Icons

Does anyone know of a way for my Macro Icons to automatically swap in combat to reflect what abillity I am going to use?

For example, I am currently using a macro on my hunter that is set so that when I click it I use Kill Command, unless its on CD, in which case I just use Steady Shot. The macro is as follows:

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cast Kill Command
/cast Steady Shot

I was wondering if there was a way to have the icon swap from the Kill Command Icon to the Steady Shot Icon to reflect whatever move I have up next. I figure it would be nice to know when my Kill Command comes of CD

You could try just doing #showtooltip but if it’s not a /castsequence macro doubt that would work.

Generally it takes whatever is on top for the icon, unless you specify like you did.

Well steady shot doesn’t have a cooldown so you don’t really need to track that. Just show the tooltip for kill command so you can see the CD of it.

Other than that, you could use something like a weak aura from to track cooldowns.

idk if it works for this particular situation but on my druid when i leveled as feral i had a macro to cast either Shred or Ravage depending on if in stealth or not, and it would swap the tooltip between the two abilities.

#showtooltip [stealth] Ravage; Shred

you could try to modify that, though i’m not an expert on macros so i wouldn’t know what modifiers to use.

my only other suggestion would be to move the Steady Shot tooltip to be after Kill Command, and then to put a Showtooltip Kill Command at the start but i don’t really think that would work out so easily

Your macro is trying to cast 2 abilities at once, add some conditions so it only uses one ability at a time and the #showtooltip will auto swap on its own.

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