Auto quest tracking - help

It worked for me on 2020, thank you!

Kaliel’s Tracker with automatic filtering by zone/proximity seems mandatory these days. Default Blizzard tracker is really bad and I don’t think it was always this bad.

Not to be a dense Elf… but… This is a MMORPG you should read the quests. The /console autoQuestWatch 1 it’s useful because it allows you to simply click on the quest item in the quest list instead of opening bags searching for the item, and that’s all.
If no quests are being tracked and you have to do this manually, it defeat the purpose.

I’ve achieved Loremaster with default blizzard UI… so trust me… you don’t need addons.


Hi. So, I was suffering the same issue. I wanted to be able to talk to the guy, and read the quest, and then for it to pop up nicely so that I could see what I was doing (I am a little young to have such memory issues).

So, I don’t know which person put this above, but it is correct, you do use this command:
/console autoQuestWatch 1

followed by:
/reload UI

and it will work. If it doesn’t, however, (like it didn’t many many times for me), turn off ALL addons, do the code above and reload. It worked like a charm.

Special thanks to a Vress Games youtube channel (it was because of him I figured it out and solved the problem I think others are having.

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2024 still working

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August of 2024 in TWW - still works. Ty!