Auto Misdirect at Tank: Can You Automatically Target a Tank through a Modifier?

I’ve been searching if there’s a way to be able to target a tank (in a 5 man setting) automatically using a modifer, but old posts/forums have shown that this is not possible. However, with the release of SL, is this still the case? I’m interested to know if they have added more modifiers.

I usually use focus for key target interrupts, so focus modifiers are not so helpful for me… unless there is a way to have two focuses–one friendly focus, and one hostile focus?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

One method you can try is the target of target modifiers which should always target the main tank (or whoever is tanking the mob). It does require you to wait until the tank has a little bit of aggro but then you can target the enemy, use the macro, and it will affect the tank it’s targeting.

The line on your macro would look something like:

You can then spice it up with additional modifiers as you like.

You should be able to use the following

/cast [@party1] Misdirection

If you name the macro something like *Misdirection it should be your first macro. You can quickly and easily edit the macro to @party2 or whichever is the tank.

If you are in a raid use @raid1, etc.

Thank you for the suggestion, though I find this a bit niche. I frequently find myself in a scenario where I have to attack the mobs first though e.g. toxic saurids auto clip to tank at the ledges in atal’dazar, pulling a separate faraway pack to the tank, etc.

I was actually thinking of literally using the tank’s name for the mean time. Never knew you can use “party1, party2, etc.” as modifiers instead. Easier to edit this way. Thank you!