
I have a weird issue where i’m trying to get the Battlenet authenticator. The issue lies with trying to get an Apple account. I realize Blizzard has nothing to do with that. However, the Blizzard authenticator requires I have an Apple account because I can’t see a way to install the authenticator app without going through the Apple store.

Yes, I have an iphone.

So the real question is, can I install the Blizzard authenticator app somehow without using the Apple store?

I’d rather not use Apple to begin with, in part because I’m finding it so hard to create an Apple account, which stems from an old lost e-mail address and Apple not allowing me to make another account.

Thank you for any help I can get. I’d rather use the authenticator if at all possible.

The only official apple app would be the app store, any other place recommended would likely not be supported and could be not safe.

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