First, you wanted us to use the authenticator so you offered extra bag space and a pet. Then you restricted custom text when trying to make a group. Now, you restrict group formation all together?
Can someone explain this change? I don’t understand what it is supposed to accomplish besides pushing an agenda. Is Blizz trying to get their cut of phone tracking and info selling?
I think you’re the late one. Might want to reread the post as it does mention how it changed from a custom fields restriction to complete restriction of making groups. This is in fact new and no more than a week old at most.
Unless it’s a bug ALL group formation is restricted unless you have an authenticator. It will autofill the fields, but it will not allow you to list the group.
Mmm, nota ll is restricted. I noticed I can’t form a M+ group in LFG with my Iron Docks key, but I can form a LFG arena group. Prob just some bugs running around
Ya’ll have given me a glimmer of hope but as of now this is still a real thing and one of my guildies said they had the same thing happen to them last week. I think they tried to sneak it in under the radar. Basically, it will autofill everything just like before but when you try to list the group to start looking for members it starts to spin and just fails.
It is a mess. It cripples your ability to form raids. It isn’t great for arena either, since you can’t really specify anything.
And it still hasn’t worked. They need to revert this change and stop treating some us like second class citizens.
Or do 1 of 2 things…
If it is truly about securing an account, then require 2FA for all accounts. Full stop. We should be protecting customer data, not custom group text.
If you really believe this doesn’t cripple your ability to create groups, then let’s remove custom text for ALL players. It would solve WTS group adverts in GF 100%.
It is almost like we are back in 2021 again That said, I do agree that it is a silly requirement that really hasn’t work out as well as they had probably hoped it would.
This is a new season, bugs are to be expected.
Are your addons up to date?
Did you try a /reload, or reboot the game completely?
If yes to those, did you try disabling your addons?
for pvp groups its a bit annoying that the leader often cant change the titles and thus “you” end up with lead simply for that purpose. that is, saying “hay we are need Dis Priest and Sub rogue.” etc.
the very min they need to do is have pre fill in options to say “looking for” and have class drop down options. the limited text presets that can go into the description or title.