Authenticator help - knew I shouldn't have done it

I read their entire manifesto on why it was awful they even had to do it in the first place. 30 seconds to type a number in when the only thing they cant do is list a specific title in the group finder without, leads me to believe theyre doing group content which if typing 6 numbers within 30 seconds is too much, probably is going to have a bad time anyway.

This is not an accessibility issue.

edit: I responded below.

Believe it or not, one can participate in group content in-game and still have issues with things outside of the game, especially when dealing with mobile devices. I know from experience. Iā€™m capable of doing group content in WoW, but due to being blind in one eye, deaf in one ear, and having a deformed right arm, must play using a controller + mouse combo. I canā€™t type in combat because I canā€™t use the keyboard in combat. I also have issues with rapidly doing things on mobile devices. I canā€™t use the standard two-thumb typing method because of my deformed arm. Instead I have to hold the phone with my left hand and perform the equivalent of hunt and peck with my right index finger. Itā€™s slow because I have less motor control on that arm and am unable to do so properly with my left hand because my right arm is twisted at close to 90 degrees on one bone and curved on the other bone, so I canā€™t hold the phone w/ my right hand and type w/ my ā€œgoodā€ hand.

What isnā€™t an accessibility issue to you can most certainly be one to others. Your presumption is entirely ableist.


Except there are still boost groups in LFG tool and 0 was done for trade chat.

Go look. Some up right now.

Know what, you are completely right. It was ableist. I typed a whole thing up that I believe theyre being disingenuous, which I still do, but it doesnt take away that what I said was not right. I do apologize.

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Fair enough. Though I think any sense of disingenuousness likely stems from the OP being tired and flustered. Trust me, I know how that goes. My mom isā€¦worse. Way, way worse. Iā€™m talking Fox News brainwashed levels of worse. Thatā€™s why I merely posted information and a question (for later since sheā€™s done for the day). Hopefully this ends up as a learning lesson for her that isnā€™t too difficult to deal with later. :slight_smile:


Instead of an app, they should just send a code, either by text or phone call, that you enter on the login screen. This way people who donā€™t have or use internet on their phones can still have the second login verification. There will never be any problems related to the software or compatibility with phones.

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Sad to hear that. I had it done quickly but my phone is shared so I knew it was a bad idea so uninstalled it. Didnā€™t know of any code to restore etc but who cares. Itā€™s just a few extra bag slots and group naming stuff.

Iā€™m glad at least you did everything rightā€¦ just had to have been a mix up somewhere. If you still want it, just throw in a ticket and wait it out.

I survived without an authenticator, Iā€™m sure you can too :slight_smile:
Screw the pre made group naming or whatever it is and extra bag slots!


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Iā€™m sorry, but you are wrong. My mother has RA and there is no way she could type a number in manually in the time an authenticator gives.

edit: oops. I see you posted above retracting it. sorry.


Why do you keep saying this. Makes me think youā€™re trolling. You can get your account recovered by cs if you lose your restore codes.

It tells you to write them down. If you donā€™t thatā€™s on you.

You know what, the only girl I see here is one that hasnā€™t run her familyā€™s business for 30 years and knows how to cover her own ā€¦ well you finish the sentence. Only young and inexperienced people make comments like that, usually for attention, and canā€™t tell humor and sarcasm mixed together.

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if there gonna steal your account they will that wont save it

Hasnā€™t? Or Has? These are very different sentences depending on which word you pick. One defends yourself, and the other agrees with me entirely.

Where are the restore codes? I have no idea what mine are.

Uncalled for completely.
The lady is having an issue, and itā€™s snarky comments like this that drive people away from this game.


Thank you for that. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a glitchā€¦and honestly, I really appreciate no one deriding my son.

Iā€™m sorry you do, but I donā€™t lie nor do I ever leave out my flaws if Iā€™m wrong or there is some culpability on my behalf, which there still may be when I check again tomorrow, but I do have integrity at least. However, it is after all the GD and Iā€™d probably doubt too, so no harm.

Nice. Thx. Caught me in grammar typo, good on you.

Moving on.
Itā€™s the gd forum, of course my morals, intelligence, and capabilities would be called into question. I think the same thing when reading others sometimes.


Yes, yesā€¦ let the hate flow through youā€¦ :slight_smile:

Why would I deride your son? All he was doing was trying to help. :slight_smile:

3 icons at the top rightā€¦ ā€œSerial and Restoreā€

I looked everywhere, account, bnet launcher ā€“ what 3 icons at the top right? I see nothing ā€œserial and restore.ā€ Is this in the phone app?

yes itā€™s in the phone app.