So I noticed that they fixed the “playstyle” from “casual, standard, hardcore” to “standard, learning/progression, quick clear” - which is a decent start.
It also appends it to the default title. Also good.
Unfortunately it still doesn’t the other very common use-cases for real groups "need class/spec, @x boss which may not match raid (e.g. lockout list seems to be driven off of player weekly lockout rather than the current instance’s lockout - which is arguably a bug?), or other useful details like how far the group is going (or bosses being skipped Fatescribe ).
I still think they shouldn’t pull the trigger on this until they overhaul the LFG tool.
OR … .Just require MFA for all players! Be principled about it.
Holding functionality hostage behind MFA is not a good play. A lot of “casual” players are going to be in for a rude awakening on 11/2.
The amount of groups in the GF tool has dropped significantly from launch (likely due to the max level requirement). There are other steps they can take to identify throw-away accounts (max toon with quest gear, next to no achievements, only 1 or 2 mounts, etc).
I can’t imagine compromised accounts account for a “majority” of those LFG sale groups. So a better heuristic for identifying advert accounts would go a long way, w/o impacting all players without MFA.
At the very least - try some of these options before going full nuclear on this issue.
Also - there are ways to use MFA w/o a phone. So all this does is add an extra step for throw-away advert accounts, which they will likely just absorb, while still impacting regular players pretty dramatically.
Oh and for the pete’s sake can we get a new icon for ranged dps vs. melee? Keep the sword for melee, maybe add a bow and arrow for ranged? That would also help eliminate some need for custom text.
If custom text is really really the problem, then just add pre-baked Blizzard labels that we could append (such as class/spec), the word “need”, etc. So we can construct Blizzard approved phrases (“need” “warlock” or “at” “tarragrue”).
Again - please rethink this.