[A][US][Turalyon or any realm] New Player looking for friendly guild

Good afternoon everyone,

I’m a relatively new player. I have only been playing for a month or two and I’m very interested in joining a guild that welcomes new players. I am also actively searching outside of making this post. I am level 110 Ret Paladin, but will probably buy BFA and get up to max level soon. I would also be open to changing realms if necessary.

I’m 24 years old, and generally play from 7-10ish PM EST (US eastern) on most nights (cannot play Monday nights) .

I would love to eventually get into raiding and a variety of end game content, but I’m not quite there yet. I have a lot to learn. I’ve done some dungeons but mostly just questing. Looking forward to becoming experienced enough to get prepared for Shadowlands in October!

TLDR Basically looking for an all around casual/semi-casual guild that can help a new player grow! I will be watching replies here, but my discord is SpinHD#7018.

Thank you!

Hey Spinhd! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to clear heroic and mythic.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us!
Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Bnet - megaFly#11904
Discord - megaFly06#6053

Heya! If you don’t mind a newer guild of returning/new players I think we would be a good fit!


I would be interested but I can’t do Monday nights I’m sorry :frowning:

Thanks again.


I am checking it out now! How many members do you currently have?

Thanks, Spin.

We have 8 right now and actively recruiting. You’re more than welcome to join discord and speak with us to see if we fit!

Hello, I’m the leader of Axe Merchant. We’re up to 13 now with 2 more pending and steadily growing. Let us know if you have any more questions!