Australian H Paladin LF Friends

As above, currently transferring to Zul’jin Horde due to being stationed in texas for a bit,

I need to find some good mates to chill and do M+ with, i have mythic raiding exp but unsure on work hours as of yet.

Yes i have a huge accent, yes I say mate alot, yes i had a kangaroo as transportation.


Hi Chackadin!

We are located on Zul’jin! Found a Green Quest (Est. March 2018) a horde PVE guild with a cross-realm community is located on Zul’jin. We’re a small but growing fun, friendly, social family. We have a big focus on fun in and out of Azeroth.

We host community events such as fun contests, leveling groups, crazy mythics/dungeons/raids and more!

If you would like more information, have any interest or have any questions please reach out to me on here, or discord.

Real ID: Kiua#1912
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395

Hey There Chackadin,
Sounds like you might be a great fit for our guild on Vek/Naz/Nes. Feel Free to contact us any time.

Nice! I worked with several Aussies while in the Air Force, great guys. Would love to chat and get to know you. See ad below.

Koalaty Time is a Horde guild on Mal’Ganis looking for more like-minded individuals ready to down bosses, run M+, PVP, get achievements, and build relationships.

We are not a hardcore guild; we focus first on our environment and the ability to play in a healthy exciting way. We encourage everyone to embrace their love for the game and do so as a team to reach our goals together in unity.

Active Mythic plus players who try to help everyone get their M+ 10’s done every week, with several players 2k io and above.

Our raids are led by experienced raiders who have done the research and put in the time to explain, adjust, and help everyone get to the point we need for success.

Current Progression
4/8 Mythic Eternal Palace
8/8 Heroic Eternal Palace AOTC

Raid Schedule
Wed/Fri 7:00pm - 10:00pm CST (8:00pm - 11:00pm EST)
Optional (alt runs, key runs, clean up)

Contact List
GM: Battlenet: Landrius#1121 Discord: Landrius#1015
Raid Leader Battlenet: TheRealTacon#1647