[A][US][Stormrage]<The Wizard Saints> Semi-Hardcore Raiding Guild, Tue/Wed

Guild: The Wizard Saints
Server: Stormrage (NA)
Faction: Alliance
Raid Days/Time: Tuesday & Wednesday 9PM-12AM EST
Current Progression: 3/10 M CN, 10/10 H CN
Raider.IO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/stormrage/The%20Wizard%20Saints
Current Needs: DPS and Healers are our main needs. However, any player with proven skills, regardless of class/role, will be considered.
Recruitment Contact:
-Battletag: Tarydia#1733
-Discord: Tara#1738
About Us:
Our raid goal is to push into Mythic as far as we can. We are currently 3/10 M and are looking to complete our roster so we can push further. We also do farm raids on Thursdays and RBGs on Saturdays 9pm-12AM EST (both are optional). Outside of scheduled raid/ RBG times we have groups running M+, PVP, and other content hanging out in Discord!