Aussie's on US servers

Any Aussies considering playing on a US server?

I checked my latency on retail US servers and it’s around 160 which isnt horrible. In vanilla i use to be in the 400-600 range. Main reason i’m considering a US server is being a shift worker i struggle to make Australian raid times but have no issue with standard US raiding times. Also concerned the oceanic servers are more likely to die down rapidly compared to US.

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Why do you think Aussies servers will die quicker??

Well there’s only 2 of them and they’ll probably have login queues 2mo. Remember it’s not just Australia, it’s oceanic. Should be a lot of Singaporean players too.

Proudmoore has a long history of Aussies. You can do it.


Well, I wouldn’t worry about server drops, if it gets bad they will shut the server and offer transfers to US ones, in saying that I think it’s extremely unlikely we’ll see a hard enough drop.

As far as your raiding times go, guild raid at various times, and Aussie’s are no strangers to night shift / FIFO workers etc, so again, i wouldn’t be concerned.

I moved to US servers back at the end of Wrath and you can honestly barely tell the difference between 50ms and 160ms unlike an FPS.

Hell most casting bars have a red area to account for your latency and you can start your next cast in that area.

I’ll be playing on a US server again. I’m used to the latency for WoW and most of my in game friends are going to the same server :slight_smile:

Not Aussie, but playing from the Middle East on Grobbulus. I was getting around 160 - 170 on test server. Not ideal, but it’s Classic. Small price to pay!

Fair point that it’s oceanic not just Australia, and there’s only two servers.

My play window is between 1pm and 8pm AEST which falls around peek US hours. If i could find an oceanic raiding guild around that time in would be ideal.

Sunshine i agree with barely telling the difference and considering i would be ranged its probably even less noticeable.

Keep in mind how many servers we have on retail right now, many with high populations. So there are a lot of us gamers in oceanic. Also keep in mind, how many Aussies and kiwis have left WoW over the years and are wanting to come back and play Classic. I’ve been playing since TBC and have seen many friends go. There’s a lot of interest around these parts. I wouldn’t fret about unstable populations, especially with just the 2 servers. I think Blizzard played it smart and are being precautious.

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It’s ~210ms and ~255ms from WA for the US-west and US-east servers. Pretty sure vanilla was around 580-630ms.

The EU servers are ~280ms, so I was even considering playing there; a lot of different cultures, something different.

I’ll probably roll the first toon on Bigglesworth or Faerlina(depending on lauch queue) and then xfer to Bigglesworth month(s) after.

Definitely considering it. Have a character on grobbulus just in case the queues on Arugal are a nightmare. Kinda hoping a surrogate US server emerges precisely because of queues (it’ll not only equalise ping - im in korea and have the same ping on oceanics and US anyway, but it also a) lets me avoid queues - my peak time is their bed time and vice versa; and b) lets me play both factions). Just need a solid core of players to make it lively and fun.