Aussie servers

Hey! The new scarlet crusade dungeon/raid hint looks really cool, i want to play. IS there a designated aussie server? do people still play it?

Nope CS or WildBoarth

OCE servers are dead unfortunately.

OCE servers were effectively killed by Blizzard, and OCE players were forced to transfer to the highest-ping possible US server.

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How did blizzard kill them? Penance was basically cooked by the end of phase 2. Not to sure about shasowstrike i only casually played there.

But Aussie servers will never win the war on attrition. Looks at the anniversary fresh people already calling for life support or transfers.

Blizzard gave OCE players the lifeline of transferring and not rerolling.

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Shadowstrike was perfectly fine with a health population. Penance was cooked but it pretty much was from the start. A small proportion of very jealous and angry Penance players were so upset at how their server died but Shadowstrike didn’t so they spammed for forums to ensure Blizzard forced transfers on Shadowstrike as well as Penance.

Shadowstrike was perfectly fine, but could not sustain the population being split by transfers. And just to spit on OCE players more, Blizzard forced Shadowstrike players to transfer to the server that - literally - had the worst ping out of all the choice for OCE.

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If it was so fine people would not have needed or wanted to transfer and it would have stayed “fine”

There was no force you could have stayed on Shadowstrike, its the same with the current Anniversary fresh servers the PvP server is east coast just like Crusader Strike.

OCE just doesn’t have the population to support multiple games so when new game types come out they are usually DoA in OCE. It is probably not your cup of tea but try and play Apex on the Sydney servers, its dead, This is the fate of most games in the OCE region especially when we are further segregated from SEA as a whole.

Just so we understand the population of Australia as a WHOLE is less than the population of California the state in the USA

California Population 2024


Australia Population (LIVE)


That’s a 12 million people difference.

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Blizzard made the decision to royally screw oceanic as a region and set a precedent for all future iterations of wow.

Even the annivery oceanic realm is basically dead now they’ve done this.

Eventually people will say Elron was right when i fought to stop them doing it in SOM then SOD.

i mean alot of this is self-inflicted too.

the OCE region just needs to agree to play on just one server from the onset even if its annoying for the first couple weeks. As the player population isnt high enough to support multiple servers.


Rubbish. People panicked that people would transfer and be left on a dead server like Pennance, so transfered when they didn’t want to. Happened to quite a few people I know who didn’t want to, but knew that the pop would get split.

Nobody cares, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a healthy population and community on a single server.

If this fear was here the server was far from “fine”

Oh we do it’s called Frostmourne on retail. Barth isnt that bad.

Classic is the a mode of wow and we are split between era, sod and fresh.

If they ran a warmode style server in OCE im sure the servers wouldnt die. There are a large number of people that dont want to mess with the random world pvp and would choose to not engage but would apreciate the population strength of a unified server.

While others fled to distant realms, we remained—steadfast on Shadowstrike. This is our home, and here we thrive. Week after week, raid after raid, we’ve stood together, our collective growing stronger, our resolve unwavering.

Sunday night is our main raid, but most weeknights see the fires of our camp burning bright as we take to the fields of battle. Midnight leads with precision, Ratchet Rum Company brings its spirit of camaraderie, Flying a Kite soars with daring ambition, and The Order of Shadowstrike casts its protective shadow over all. Together, we form a like-minded collective bound not by recruitment posters but by shared purpose and trust.

We don’t chase numbers; we value the heart. With as many as 40 strong at our backs, we march into the fray, not as a horde of strangers but as a united force. There’s no need to recruit when the spirit of Shadowstrike is so vibrant—it calls to those who belong here, those who hear the whispers of the sands and feel the pull of this realm’s essence.

If you seek the spark of a true community, join us. We don’t just raid; we keep the soul of Shadowstrike alive. For those willing to rise to the challenge, the gates of our collective stand open. But remember: this is Shadowstrike, and here, we hold the line.

Top Resto, Keeper of Balance

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Thought you were going to quit LOL yet you’re still here crying, hilarious

your accent is hilarious

OCE servers were dead before the transfer, megaserver was just the final nail. Shadowstrike was on the verge of death, and the PVE one had pretty much nobody on it. Even if the 2 oce servers merged together, it wouldn’t have mattered.

Shadowstrike was not built on shouting into the void; it was forged in silence, in action, in unity. While others rant and scatter, we stand firm, rebuilding what they abandoned.

We don’t seek to convince; the sands do not beg the wind to listen. Those who understand will find their way to us. Those who do not—let them drift.

This realm thrives not through noise, but through the unyielding will of its keepers. We are here. We endure. Shadowstrike remains.

Top Resto, Keeper of Balance

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My distant brother Moonwing only speaks the truth, we remain unscathed by the tyranny of our Blizzard overlords that bring frozen wastelands to our server, We push through this still able to live off the land by gathering herbs, mining rocks and fishing the streams of Kalimdor. We will remain and stand strong, there is no force that can bring us down.

We have overcome Blizzard next is Kel’Thuzad.

Stay strong followers we will emerge victorious.

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My fellow brethren, I to have come to make sure we are understood. If you do not want to be in our world we do not need you.

To those that seek shelter from the misery that is crusader strike I only hope they can find comfort with us.

We have a dystopian server in shadowstrike that is perfectly balanced, it has allowed us to continue rid the world of evils through Zul’Gurub, defeat Nefarian and crush bugs through out The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.

As my brothers have explained we are living like gods and overcoming every challenge in our way.

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It’s a sensitive topic.

OCE servers died because of players slowly drifting off. A few months ago it hit critical mass and blizzard opened server transfers to US servers. Penance died during this (it was already effectively dead due to player drift), and Shadowstrike died too (players wanting to leave a toxic PVP server).

As you can see from the crowd above, there’s PvP diehards who RP that Shadowstrike is a wonderland, yet ignore the fact that if it was a good server, players wouldn’t have left.

Don’t listen to the people that say US servers are unplayable. Yes the ping is higher, yes you can still play perfectly fine.

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Hi Penance player. It’s ok, don’t cry. We are still on Shadowstrike raiding every lockout

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