Aussie Prot pally LF a new home! 220 ilvl 2/10M

Hey there fellow wow dwellers! Alright so I’ve been playing prot pally since BC and have raided as prot for every tier since, il quickly go over some highlights. World top 250 for ToGC with 47 attempts left, Everything in ICC minus LK on both heroic 25 man and 10 man, Everything in the first tier of panda land minus Sha of Fear in 10 man heroic. All of SoO on 10 man Heroic and the list just goes on.

I’m currently looking for a 2 day a week guild ideally on weekdays from 7pm pst to 12am pst. My current prog is 2/10 mythic with lots of pull on hungering. I’d be more then happy to look at a guild with less prog if the times fit. More then anything I’m looking for somewhere stable to call home to kill bosses with well into the expansion and Mythic prog is also a must.

My logs for this tier are here

Benphd - Hyjal - Warcraft Logs

I’m 100% open to a realm or faction transfer for the right guild but would ideally like to stay horde if possible.

If you made it this far thanks for reading and I wish you all the best.

My btag = Benphd#6605
Disc = Benphd#4731