[A][US][Sargeras] <Lzuruha> 6/8M LFM Nerub'ar Palace | Tues-Thurs | LFM

always looking for more DPS and potential healers our progression has been solid so far got jaina to 5% will have AotC this week

Bump for Mythic raiding, knocked out Heroic and some Achieves. Need strong range! Would love another moonkin with me <3

Bump, Starting Mythic Grong this week :slight_smile:

Mythic Grong down after a few attempts, Still looking for good range dps for mythic spots!

Mythic Grong kill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEF2UvbagXI working on Opulence!

going hard into Mythic progression now need people who know fights and mythic ready range DPS preferred but accepting exceptional DPS

M Opulence Progression need good DPS that know and understand mechanics

Raid week starts again still looking for more DPS wanting to get into Mythic :smiley:

Mythic Opulence down!

Looking for strong range DPS!!

4/9M Opulence down working on conclave almost have it down

Council close to being down! Looking for some heavy hitter DPS!

5/9 Mythic, Recruiting still strong range and maybe a healer if you’re good :wink:

2/2 Heroic Crucible of Storms ezpz!

Still looking for some strong range DPS and 2 Melee spots opened up, Pref Rogue/Monk.

2/2H CoS recruiting more dps for mythic progression!

Working on Mythic Rasta, need more DPS!

Working towards mythic rasta and doing Mythic CoS in the future need Range DPS and Heals for progression

Working on mythic rasta and doing Mythic CoS in the future need Range DPS and Heals for progression

Rasta down really soon! Looking for some more range DPS.

Raid spots open ASAP for:
