[A][US][Sargeras] <Hootenanny> 1-Day/Week 6/12M Guild LFM

Up up and away we go

Look at you guys in here breaking up my weeks of bird puns…it really ruffles my feathers.

No more wild goose chase for you - your new forever home is right here!

Browsing for a guild this weekend? Come join us and find yourself a fun group of friends to down baddies with

To the top

Your PSA for today - Socially isolating with two children is the exact opposite of a hoot.

to the top again

We could still use some reliable DPS for our soccer-loving flock! Fly on over to our website or discord and see why we’re your next forever home.

Looking for more friends to to down baddies with. Come join us!

Gooooooooooooaaaal!! Soccer time, come join the fun!

He’s Rollie Pollie Olie

Why not isolate together with a new internet family?!

Here we go again!

Would it ruffle any feathers if I brought back the bird puns?

Also LFM solid dps!

Bird puns are the best kind!

Bird on the street is that we’re still looking for some DPS!

Up, up and away!

Happy Tuesday!

We give so many hoots one faction couldn’t contain them all :slight_smile:

Always looking for reliable raiders!

Happy disappointing cache day to all!