[A][US][Sargeras][8/8M] <Hello Kitty Club> Tues/Weds/Thurs 8 PM-11 PM CST - 11.1 Recruitment

Bumping this for A GREAT GUILD!

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5/11 mythic & AOTC BUMP!

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6/11 mythic bump crab is dead wooo!
Looking for an enhancement shaman for immediate full time roster spot!

7/11 Mythic bump and big nerfs this week! Help us get CE!

9.2.7 launch week bump!

Hey, I just put in an application on your website. I main Ele but also flex to Enhance (or feral and windwalker) and can make pretty much any raid time

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What is HKC doing? Mythic Fated?

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Yes! While our roster is full for the most part currently, we are always looking at applications!

How goes Mythic Fated?

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Pretty good but with a release date finally announced we are shifting gears into Dragonflight prep!

Hello Aurongodx,
I’m currently looking for a new raid team for DF :nerd_face:
Curious if you need an XP DH Havoc/Ven.
I’ve been raiding I believe since 2007ish. Heroic & Mythic.
My Current Toons:
Airbornedad - Character (worldofwarcraft.com)

Airborndad - Character (worldofwarcraft.com)

Airgiblitt - Character (worldofwarcraft.com)

I love to Raid, Run Mythics, Achieves with Peeps, help out Guildies, etc.

Thank You


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Dragonflight recruitment bump! :smiley:

Good luck in Dragonflight, Auron!

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Roomie (hpriest/rsham) and I (feral/spriest) are looking for a mythic raiding guild, are you guys still recruiting?

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While we are always recruiting, our roster is very stacked right now. Going to work through the first couple weeks with the trials and returning players we have and see where our weak points are afterwards. Thank you for your interest!

Big 5/8 Mythic bump! We are looking for an exceptional monk!

Hi. I might know a guy.

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I main windwalker if you still need or have questions reach out to me ZephyXT7#5949 on disc

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Thank you all for your monk interests! We have indeed procured a Monk!

Big working on Broodkeeper bump!

Mythic Raszageth prog bump! On the grind!