[A][US][Proudmoore] <Hierarchy> LF DPS for S4 | 730-1030 EST Wed/Fri

Still LF Havoc DH and a Priest or Monk healer more than anything

7/10H with a heart breaking .4% wipe on Fatescribe, come help us remedy that!!

Mage and Havoc DH please!

Mage, Havoc DH, and any exceptional healers come get some! You know you want to raid just 2 nights a week. It’ll be fun

8/10H, in dire need of a healer or even dps with viable heal OS to switch depending

1/10M with more to come, still needing that healer and a havoc DH.

1/10M 9/10H, healer and havoc dh cmon cmon!

Still LF heals n deeps, pls reach out if 2 raid days sounds like a good fit for you

WTB healer and Havoc DH, but anyone that wants to raid 2 days a week Weds/Fri night should hit us up!

AOTC achieved, still looking to form a solid consistent 20 for Mythic.

LF Havoc DH and WW Monk, maybe even and Enhance Shammy. Any exceptional dps who is a good fit with our raid schedule should apply regardless of spec!

Still LF dps but would consider all specs

Bump it up

Still looking for solid DPS to fill out our roster but would consider any spec/class/role

Hey we filled a raid and killed a boss, what a surprise! Come help us do that more often and we will kill more bosses! LF DPS but anyone who likes our times should apply and we can flex others around.

Mythic Eye down, the only thing stopping us from killing more is the attendance boss. Come help us take that boss down!!

3/10M now, still need about 3 or 4 more consistent dps, we have people who can flex so if you are a tank or healer that likes our times still hit us up.

LF all roles that want to raid Mythic only 2 days a week. Weds and Fri 7:30-10:30pm EST.

Looking to continue to push Mythic, Blood DK tank would be great but LF all roles but dps is our priority

Bump up the jam, bump it up