[A][US][Proudmoore] <Hierarchy> LF DPS for S4 | 730-1030 EST Wed/Fri

2 days a week Weds n Fri at 730 EST

Tank heals dps, anyone that likes the times holler at us

Still LFM headed into the holidays, hoping to really hit it hard again in 9.2

All roles and specs, if interested in 2 nights a week Weds/Fri please reach out!!

Still looking for recruits to fill out the roster for a hard push in 9.2

In a bit of a lul until 9.2 but we are still looking for folks to help us start strong into the new content when it drops. Mythic plus groups going almost nightly as well.

Still recruiting on the down low for 9.2. Assuming the raiders on break return we have a full Mythic roster but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have room for improvement and rotation. Skilled players looking to not raid 100hrs a week should apply regardless of spec/role we are flexible!

Expecting 9.2 release news soon, come help us push into the new raid. We still run lots of M+ almost daily so we can aid with gear catchup if needed.

Very much in need of a tank and a mage/monk for synergy buffs. A brewmaster could do two birds with one stone!

Any Monk, any spec! You know you wanna

Just need dps now it seems but even if youre a tank or healer always ask! No DKs so a grip might be cool

Heartbreaking 1% wipes on H Skolex, we’ll no doubt be pushing through that next week and also killing Dausegne.

DK is the only synergy we are missing, all skilled heals and dps encouraged to apply regardless of class or spec

DK that can do slappy hands when needed would be swell.

2 new boss kills today, more to come. DK is the synergy we are missing, a good Rogue would be welcome as well.

A healer with a dps offspec they enjoy would be amazing

Still looking for that healer that also enjoys getting down and dirty with the deeps here and there.

LF heals with dps OS.

i like-a. do. da cha cha.

A full time tank slot may be available. The perfect fit is a DK but we mostly want someone comfortable in the tank role. Healers with dps specs or dps with heal specs would be great for flexing the number of heals for various bosses.

Fulltime tank slot no longer available, still looking for Dps that can flex to Heals or vice versa