Conspiracy Theory is a group of mostly older gamers who are focused on community through prioritizing social fit and guild culture. We have created supportive environment where people log into the game to adventure and spend time with friends and along the way, we have been able to make a respectable amount of progression.
We began at the end of BfA with the goal being a haven away from the toxicity and drama of the general community and to be a place where adults with real world responsibilities could escape for a while with friendly, supportive, and like-minded people. Our progression goals for Shadowlands were modest and we’ve already smashed them as we close in on Heroic Sire and AoTC.
What we are looking for: Good people. Play style and skill level are not important because there is room here for anyone who is honest, friendly, and has a sense of humor. If you do enjoy raiding and running M+, we have players at various skill levels who enjoy engaging in those activities. We have a few players with the KSM achievement and a push group closing in. We have many others happy to run lower-level keys as well.
Raiding is a social experience and people who show up do it for fun. Our Wednesday and Friday raids are open to all players and we schedule normal and heroic mode content based on the signups. The open raids on Wed/Fri are through Sire on normal and have downed 2 bosses on Heroic. Monday nights are for progression and we are working on Generals Heroic. The Monday night progression team is currently full. The plan is to move the entire guild on Wed/Fri nights into heroic content for the remainder of 9.0 and since we’ve surpassed every progression goal we’ve set, I’m confident we will get there. All raid times are 8-10pm EST.
As 9.0 drags on, some people are playing a little less. We’re still very active but we could always use a few more good people to join the party. We have an active Discord community and many of us waste time at work chatting with our friends on the text channels. We have a great group of people and as the GM, I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished. If you’re looking for high progression and elite players who pour hours and hours into grinding out content, there are probably many other guilds better suited for that. If you want to know what’s in it for you and how fast you can get to the loot you want, again, this might not be a good fit. However, if you are looking for a warm, open community with good, honest people who support one another and still manage to make some respectable progression, this is it.
We do not do random invites or pick people off the Guild Finder who don’t leave a note or make an effort to get to know us. That’s how we got to where we are, being selective and ensuring a good fit before handing out an invite.
We are based on Lothar which is connected to Grizzly Hills, Gnomergan, Moonrunner, Trollbane, Malfurion, Kael’Thas, and Ghostlands. Best way to get in touch is to contact me through Battletag: Horacio#1828. We look forward to hearing from you.