[A][US][Lothar]<Conspiracy Theory> Casual/Social guild looking for mature players and good people!

Hey everyone,

Things are going well here but we could always use a few more awesome people to adventure with.

About us: We’re a bunch of middle aged gamers who enjoy Wow and want to play with supportive and positive people that care more about the person behind the keyboard than progression or gear score. We do raid and we run quite a few mythic keystones despite our relaxed and casual guild culture. Most of our members are 40s-60s with a few younger folks scattered here and there.

We’re based on Lothar (US East) which is connected to Grizzly Hills, Trollbane, Malfurion, Moonrunner, Gnomer, Kael’Thas, and Ghostlands. Class and spec are not important but we could always uses more healers. We have a handful of very capable players looking to run higher(7 and above) mythic keys as well and could use a few more folks looking to do the same with a chill, relaxed group. That said, all skill levels and playstyles are welcome, given good fit to the guild culture.

Best way to reach us is through battletag: Horacio#1828
Looking forward to hearing from you!