We don’t mind xrealm raiders, as long as you are interested in eventually joining our ranks at Lightbringer! Right now triying to keep our roster healthy while progressing in Castle Nathria, we’ve been toguether raiding for 8 years!
3/10 M Castle Nathria and doing progress into Sun King Currently. Easy going, Tight-knit, Weekend morning raiding team focusing on a good atmosphere, times are:
-Saturday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time
-Sunday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time
Eastern time http://time.is/ET
Pretty balanced composition, not currently looking for tanks. Interested in a healer, however we can make room for anything except tanks if it looks like a good fit So contact me regardless! Experience and gear are not a factor but offspecs are appreciated!
We also have a some extra events during the week that you can take part of if you wish, mythic+, alt runs and random hiper incompetent pvp for the lols friday nights. We take the player over the gear and value consistency, If this sounds like something that’d interests you, contact me for more info, i’d love to speak with you one on one.
Contact me at Serathil#1871 (Bnet) and Slerne#9837 (Discord) for more info.