Tower Team is looking for new members for our guild. Currently looking for more DPS members and potentially additional healers for both raiding and Mythic+. Raid times are Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 8pm to 10(ish)pm EST. We’re starting with normal and will progress to heroic after clearing with an aim to fully clear heroic.
Tower Team was established shortly after Castle Nathria opened, and was 10/10N and 10/10H in the raid. We also had multiple members achieve the KSM achievement through guild Mythic+ runs in SL Season One. We’re a guild made up of and led by WoW veterans. Overall, we’re looking to push content while having a good time doing so. Culture and good attitudes are important. We are a tight-knit group who for the most part have been playing together for years, and have social events outside of raid times throughout the week on a pretty consistent basis (such as transmog runs, achievement runs, and playing games outside of WoW).
If interested or if you have any questions about the guild, feel free to reach out to me via (Jimmy#15915) or through in-game channels (Dïo). Thanks!