[A][US][Dalaran] <Drunken Lords> Casual Normal/Heroic guild Tue/Wed 9PM-12AM EST

Looking for a few dps and a healer. Not asking for any top 1% players unless I guess you are bored and want to suffer. We are not interested in mythic raiding, and only shoot for AotC each patch which we have never failed to get. What we do ask for is consistency, and if you are going to be late/miss a night, that you let us know in advance. Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9PM to 12AM EST. We are bad, our players stand in fire, some of them do it on purpose. We have “that one a-hole” who you just have to get to know. Most of us have been with the guild for years, basically family.

Currently 9/11N and 1/11H, running a very small 10 man comp right now but considering the later bosses don’t seem to be tuned to small groups the more people the better. Looking for people already at least 246+ ilvl, with enough intelligence to look up class guides to figure out how to play better and not just be happy with barely out dpsing our tanks. Not asking for 90%+ parses, but don’t be happy with grays, you can do better. 30%+ isn’t hard to achieve and isn’t much to ask for.

We run mythic plus on non raid days, usually try to get every one at least one max ilvl option to pick, more if we have people and time.

If interested please contact one of the following for more information/questions :

Derder (Derder#1519)
Ebbit (Ebbit#1799)
Dave (Ministerdave#1992)