[A][US] <PIZZA PLANET> LGBTQIA2S+ Friendly 18+ Community Guild with Casual AOTC Raiding and M+!

PIZZA PLANET is an old guild with a new name that just moved to Dalaran after losing a bunch of friends who moved on to bigger and better things. While we mourn their loss, we are attempting to fill the gap by making new friends!

We are a social guild who plans to heroic raid and mythic+ at a decent level. In the past, we have achieved AOTC each tier we had a steady raid team.

We are almost set with our heroic raid team but still have a few slots available! We also have several members interested in mythic+ keys in the new expansion so there is room there too.

My philosophy on playing this game is play a class that you love and you will do better than chasing the “meta” class. I want you to play what you enjoy. I will not make you change spec or class just because we “need” it for our raid team or mythic+ teams.

Saying that, we are in need of the following for our raid team:

  • 1 Tank
  • 1-2 Healers
  • 3-4 Dps

We have a particular need for the following classes for all content:

  • Priest
  • Demon Hunter
  • Warlock
  • Shaman
  • Paladin
  • Mage

Our raid nights are currently Wednesday and Thursday nights from 9pm to midnight eastern. We do not have a set day for mythic+ yet.

Who and what we are:

  • Goofy friends
  • Supportive of everyone
  • LGBTQIA2S+ friendly
  • Relaxed
  • Derpy

Who and what we are not:

  • Overly toxic
  • Mean-spirited
  • Closed-minded
  • Serious
  • Intelligent

If you’re interested in joining us, please feel free to respond here or reach out to me, Wook, at Baldngwookie#1117 on bnet or Wookaay#3268 on Discord. Have fun and be safe everyone!


I’m somewhat interested in joining. Just returning from a break of most of SL, was looking into rerolling as an evoker healer, if you’re not going to have too many of those already.

lol I’ll be honest, I really don’t know what we will have yet. With prepatch this week, I am anticipating more people coming back but I really don’t know class breakdowns yet. Add me on bnet or Discord and I’ll make sure you get an invite!

Look for a chill guild. Skipped SL (draenor and wrath also… i know i know i
Missed the best one). Been playing off and on since vanilla. Looking to heroic raid, perhaps dabble in mythic if the guild was working together well, definitely in RBGs. But im not into stress and drama. Much more looking for a team not a bunch off people looking to get themselves as far as possible can by whatever means. I have mage and warlock that are 53 right now after just reinstalling yesterday will be 60 by pre patch and hopefully flying when world events start. I work on professions and all my toons are geared towards alchemy and i like the profession grind so usually have raid level stuff when it comes time.

So im not so serious but serious i guess. If that sounds like a good fit let me know. The other important thing would be what days you plan for raid rbg nights. My mage is alliance on a different server and looking to transfer this lock back to alliance, i miss stormwind.

Heya Felfur, Sorry it took me so long to respond! It’s been a little hectic for me IRL. If you’re still looking for a home, hit me up on Discord (Wookaay#3268) or bnet (Baldngwookie#1117) so we can chat a bit more about if Pizza Planet is a good fit for you. I hope to hear from you soon!


Uhm honestly though I’ve been friends with these people for years some of them almost a decade here soon and I can’t think of better people to explore this game with and just know. I’m thankful everyday for them and this community. I might not be as active as I have been in the past but I am looking forward to all of our new adventures! :heart:

Just a friendly DK coming back to WoW. Just sent a discord and bnet invite to chat about possibly joining. Looking forward to connecting!