[A][US] Looking for a Home ANY REALM

Hi, I’ve played World of Warcraft off and on for years but I never had the time nor resources to delve deep into endgame content, until now.

I am looking for a seasoned, mature (18+) guild with active players who are determined enough to grind the conquest cap all night, but chill enough to not kill the guy who stepped in the fire for the 15th time in a row on the next raid boss. I want to find my love for the game again by experiencing as much as it has to offer, and a great guild to be there with me.

I’m really hoping to find not only a cool, active guild but a server to go along with it. I’m willing to go to any US server it just has to be the right one. I’m looking for as close to a 50/50 alliance-horde split as I can, with a medium-high server population. I will be rolling Alliance because I hate Horde cities. :wink:

I main Hunters and Rogues and will be playing one if not both during Shadowlands, but I’m also currently playing a sundry of characters (Priest, Mage, Warrior, Paladin) in order to get a grasp on, and potentially play, a tank/healer role.

Looking to do lots of Rated PvP but I also enjoy PvE and am considering rolling tank or healer this expansion as well, if I have the time. I also enjoy world PvP!!, old content, trying to make twinks, and I am always willing to help a guildie.

Available most nights of the week, including late nights.

I also have 2-3 friends who I’m trying to include but we can talk about that more later.

I’m really going in with it so HMU

Hey Gomf,

Really nice post. Helps to get a feel of what you are looking for. I will drop our recruitment post below for you to browse, but would prefer a live conversation to determine fit.

Redonk56#1461 - Bnet
Redonkulous#0245 - Discord

We are newly formed guild which has a raid composition of half who already achieved AOTC this tier and the other half returning to the game to get back in the swing prior to Shadowlands release. As a result, we are actively re-progressing the tier to reach AOTC as a guild, gear folks up, and get our rhythm down. This is currently our second week in Heroic and we are 8/12 with 12/12 Normal completed.

We have several openings, including a need for a swing tanks/heals (who can DPS as needed) as well as pure DPS. I know you mentioned you have friends, and happy to talk about that as well.

Raids: T/TH 7-9pm PST
Mythic+: M,W,F
Guild PVP: Sat
Alt Raid: Sun

We are building an active community and our goal is to ensure people log on and can jump into whatever activity is planned for that evening.

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Hey Gomf! I’m with Werepanda; be sure to check us out and reach out to us!