Updated as of 07/02/2024
House of Protectors is currently recruiting for active members! We have a nice friendly community who also runs raids, achievements, mythic+, and weekly/bi-weekly/monthly social events. We are a very chill group of people that play a variety of games with vastly diverse interests. We are just looking for more active consistent players to join our family even if it isn’t for the raiding aspect.
Raid Schedule:
Friday & Saturday at 9:00pm-11pm EST (option to extend) -
Normal Learning Group:
Sunday at 9:00pm-11pm EST (option to extend)
Recruitment Needs:
For Heroic - ilvl requirement 495+
- DPS : open
- Healers : open
- Tanks: open
For Normal/Casual/Learning- ilvl requirement 475+
- DPS : open
- Healers : open
- Tanks: open
In a raider, we expect the will and drive to learn and collaborate, as well as openness to constructive criticism, initiative to research and master your class, and the desire to progress at a moderate pace especially for pushing heroic AOTC. We are casual but committed to work as a team. For Heroic we are looking mainly for off tank, off heals, and additional DPS. Any class or spec is welcome! It will definitely allow some of our players to try different alts/specs and build the bench.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Guild Master:
Battlenet : Tarlyn#1832
Discord : Tarlyn
Raid Leader:
Battlenet : Guardian#13362
Discord : ownage098
If this sounds like the place for you, feel free to send a message to us or post here. Thanks for your time and we hope to hear from you soon!