Hi would love to joing you guys, I have started playing again currently leveling a guardian druid, don’t know if the raid times would ever work out for me but I’m not dead set on raiding anyways, just looking for people to help me out, I know how to hold threat and all that but I don’t know any of the dungeons and I have am having an awful time finding anyone willing to help me learn the routes to take through places! I was doing fine up to level 48 when I couldn’t queue up for the outlands dungeons I remember anymore!
Quick update - we decided to get Fatescribe down first so we are now 9/10H, 1/10M, 10/10N
As always shoot us a message on discord or in game if you want to know more
Battlenet : Tarlyn#1832, SpaceGhost#1464, or Cailan#2974
Discord : Tarlyn#3574, SpaceGhost#9761, or Easthcail#9078
Hello I was interested in joining the guild. I am an AOTC player looking for a casual but serious raid as well as a social friendly guild for dungeons and mythics. I am on most days and am currently catching up on gear and learning the Sanctum fights. I’d like to start out with the Normal raid then once I am comfortable, try out for Heroic. Let me know!
Bnet Jefforay#1233 Discord Sid#5176
I’m reaching out in bnet. You will see mine as Tarlyn#1832. Let’s chat!
If you guys are still active and going, I could be interested in this. I was considering just quitting, because I’m not finding anything like this anywhere. I have just been doing arenas and playing casual for quite some time, but I want to get back into raiding successfully. I have been around forever and have been looking for this for years since my group split in warlords. If this is like everyone is saying it is, I will sit the bench until I earn a spot. I main ret/prot, but I can play any class needed.
Hiya Slaynus - Add me to bnet Tarlyn#1832.
Update - last couple of patches we’ve been 9/10H and for 9.2 we’re looking for an AOTC push…need a couple more dedicated, capable raiders able to commit to two nights/week (some combination of Fri/Sat/Sun).
Quick update -
Raid Schedule:
Team Fortitude (Heroic 9/10 & Mythic 1/10):
Friday & Saturday at 9:00pm-12am EST -
The A-Team (Normal 10/10):
Sunday at 9:00pm-12am EST - We are looking to add one more night for this team.
As always shoot us a message on discord or in game if you want to know more
Battlenet : Tarlyn#1832, SpaceGhost#1464, or Cailan#2974
Discord : Tarlyn#3574, SpaceGhost#9761, or Easthcail#9078
HI, long time WoW player, coming back to the game… again. Looking for a good guild to ease back into the game with.
HI, long time WoW player, coming back to the game… again. Looking for a good guild to ease back into the game with.
Quick update - This includes recruitment for the upcoming 9.2.
Raid Schedule:
Team Fortitude (Heroic 10/10 & Mythic 1/10):
Friday & Saturday at 9:00pm-12am EST -
The A-Team (Normal 10/10):
Sunday at 9:00pm-12am EST - We are looking to add one more night for this team.
Recruitment Needs:
For Team Fortitude Progression -
- DPS : Warlock, Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Demon Hunter, Paladin, Warrior
- Healers : All classes except Monk
- Tanks: All classes
Any new recruits will start off on The A-Team before inviting to the Team Fortitude.
As always shoot us a message on discord or in game if you want to know more
Battlenet : Tarlyn#1832, SpaceGhost#1464, or Cailan#2974
Discord : Tarlyn#3574, SpaceGhost#9761, or Easthcail#9078
Congratulations Guys on AOTC!
Awwwwww Thank you! Hope you’re doing well!
I joined HoP back in October and have been having a great time with the people in the guild and those I raid with. This is a great guild that’s fun to raid with but knows when to get serious and down some bosses!
Team Fortitude (Progression Heroic 2/11; Normal 9/11):
Friday & Saturday at 9:00pm-12am EST
If you aren’t sure about desire / ability to raid, HoP is a great guild for social and other aspects as well. Regular events, mythic+ runs, etc. They support a number of different playstyles, don’t boot members for periods of inactivity, and will work to help get their members acclimated and comfortable raiding if that’s what they choose to do.
Team Fortitude (Progression Heroic 6/11; Normal 11/11):
Friday & Saturday at 9:00pm-12am EST
Hello there,
I am looking for a fun place to chill and learn some higher mythic plus tanking. I have been tanking since BC, so I know mostly what is going on. I play all tanks with a focus on VDH atm. If you would like to chat; you can hit me up at ICECOLD#1232. Horde or alliance toons are available.
Team Fortitude has achieved AOTC thanks to some help from our Hordie friends of Just Business.
We are now using Season 4 to prepare for Dragonflight by recruiting all roles going into the expansion. Anyone interested can attend our Fated raids and show their stuff.
Please respond to either of our raid leaders below
Raid Leaders:
Battlenet : Jefforay#1233 and/or NotDreyfuss#8588
Discord : Sid#5176 and/or Tealgar#1524
I have a Prot pally I would like to get ksm on with a fun guild. You guys seem like you might be exactly what I am looking for. You can get me in game most nights ICECOLD#1232.