Aurostor the Hibernator druid form bugged drop?

Apparently no druids have gotten lucky from killing Aurostor the Hibernator, can anyone confirm they’ve gotten it?

(Also on a side note, in a big server like moon guard and how popular goldshire is, someone would’ve flaunted it for everyone to see, but I yet to see a druid who’s gotten it lol) .


No luck here.
On a side note…I did get loot from him on 4/5 characters…just not the one I wanted on Druid lol.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s bugged. Just like lava toy.



Bug thread there, feel free to add to it

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i have 2 druid s with no luck and all my other toons received loot. I’ve also have killed the rares that drop the marks over 30 times with no drop on both my druids