Aug/x/x, ret/war, wizard

Protection Paladin might actually be the hardest spec to push a flat rating on.

WoW I didn’t think you were that high. Nice work. Seems to be your huge win streaks when you don’t see any moonkins or mages

Yeah dude I’m really better than Michael Phelps. Gold medals in swimming? Call me when he gets close to my regional record for longest solid crap. My toilet seat is 5 feet off the ground cuz I’m just that much better a competitor

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Toilet capacity: One Blurfy.

Pardon? :dracthyr_a1:

Randy is that you?

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i needed to see this while laying down the law on my own porcelain throne thanks


ah i see you lack control.

you couldn’t even last 2 days.

10/10 post well said


You’re not policing, you’re also toxic.

The reality is I don’t put much time into WoW anymore. I put a lot more effort i to work, got two promotions, bank a good salary, and play New World mainly.

But I saw this and figured I’d correct you with a nice status update. Have a fantastic day.

Insane necro by Heckindoggo that’s super wild


googling yourself on a monday morning to feel something


He hasn’t felt this high since abusing BfA destro lock, I cannot blame him


DR havoc coiling this bozo and bolting him 8 times here


Rooting him here into two chaos bolts into another dr root here into another chaos bolt

Outplayed that bozo!


2 month necro to flex what’s likely a lie on an anonymous video game forum


Ebola Cleave a thing again?

Wrong…. Did you already forget retpocalypse? I have 10 acres in hell for the things I did that week.

think the post you’re replying to from 2 months ago was about aug partners

aug/feral/fw and aug/dk/hpal were running around pveing to a lot of first time gladiators

(most melee with aug being the same just less common)


Is aug really as dumpstered as vox populi are making it out to be?

Follow-up, somewhat weird question, @remi what do you read when you aren’t here?