August 30th for prepatch blizzard are you kidding?

I mean again I personally think it should have been 6 weeks but you know that’s me I don’t know I love pre patch and fact if I’m being honest a lot of times I find it more fun than the actual expansion depending on the situation.

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Wait, why exactly is this a problem? :thinking:

No one hurt me, I’m tired of people complaining that blizzard wouldn’t give a date and now that they have. People are crying


It’s why I don’t blame them when they don’t tell us stuff, people just complain too much.


Yup the goalposts never stop moving.

It’s because they wait so long to give a date Quite frankly If they had given a date when prepatch was a lot earlier Ever the record I still think Wrath is coming out too soon and they could have easily pushed that back at least October 15th especially concerning how many bugs there are.

And on top of that it might have had something to do with the fact Look how tbc released They gave us Beta didn’t say anything in them before we knew it oh Hey yeah look it’s Here with almost no notice.

That’s why people get annoyed

In my opinion, 4 weeks is fine, even for fresh. Even with people leveling when working etc, all of it.

I also think they are doing a way better job of announcing things for this release and trying to create hype (I understand some people do not like certain things and not all communication has been great, but that’s not the point of what I’m saying) than they did for TBCC which was handled quite poorly.

The release date being announced 2 months in advance and the prepatch having 4 weeks is fine IMO.

Edit: Reading your latest posts about bugs yes I do not like games being released with lots of bugs so hopefully they fix those, but not so the prepatch will go longer.


Who has ever asked for that on fresh servers?

Pretty sure most people asking for fresh earlier simply want to have plenty of time to be in Northrend on release.

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how is blizzard taking a hit… you’re coming back.

Have you thought that maybe the reason why they don’t give a date is because they themselves don’t know when they’ll be able to actually launch the patch?

They gave us 2 weeks notice… That’s plenty of time.


i agree. there’s no reason they even need to do a prepatch. i say just let the hammer drop when wrath opens!

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I dont understand what you are crying about. You get 26 days of the prepatch which included all the experience reductions that were introduced for classic and tbc levels, plus still having the 50% buff.

Did you want blizzard to lvl your toon too while they are at it…



Dear blizzard.

I am giving up my SWP/BT/ZA gear to be on this server and make the 15k gold I ahve now. I need time for this on fresh! this is unsat.

If I was blizzard I’d be going umm, stay on the older server then. sounds like you got a good deal.

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yep. fresh servers shouldn’t open until release.


People are about to get a nice reality check once the servers open.

You realize people have been unsubbed till Blizzard announced pre patch right, think before you speak again.

Not till pre patch drops, again think before you speak

No but they could easily release the patch the 16th or even the 23rd so people could have something to do

Common sense is hard

i was hoping for 23, with 30 i’ll have like two days until sub runs out and i don’t have retail gold for another token (and you can’t buy sub from russia)

It’s being released 7 days later then you wanted. Suck it up. They could’ve given the bare minimum of 2 weeks.

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This is why Fresh servers shouldn’t even open in prepatch. Fresh should be Fresh, not some try hards getting SWP gear before northrend opens.