August 30th for prepatch blizzard are you kidding?

OK maybe maybe I was a little bit wishful thinking with 16th fine make fun of me I was wrong I’ll eat that pie fine that pie fine however THE 30TH?

Are you kidding me that’s literally a month that is 30 days and the only reason it is 30 days is because the way it falls Because technically it’s not actually for weeks it’s more technically 3 and a 1/2 however because of the way the days fall yeah equivalent to 4 weeks AKA month fine.

But still it would have felt a lot better if they had just given us the fall or heck I would have been happy with the 20th or even the 25th but the 30th?

I mean it doesn’t affect me as much I mean I would have liked a little bit more time to just enjoy prepatch but OK whatever But I feel bad for those people that are playing on fresh that’s literally 4 lockouts assuming they can level In a week and do the raids that they want to do in the same week.

All I gotta say is best of luck you all that are playing fresh if Even going to consider it a little after hearing this yeah that’s just a dead thought in my head now.

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I find it strange there are people out there that expect to hit 70 during prepatch on a fresh server AND have enough time / lock outs to acquire decent raiding gear to prepare for wrath.
You are given four weeks. You do what you want within those four weeks. No one is expected any amount of raid lock outs.


Are you sure?

Seems like it.


coasting on there meragune fred

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30th is fine lmfao


During prepatch, with Wrath talents, it will take less than 24 hours of gametime to level to 70.
Especially if you level in duos. For real. Like, ret pala+prot warrior will ham through all content. Or any offheal+prot warrior.

Starting level 20, prot warriors get full invulnerability for 15 seconds every 50 seconds.

Nonetheless, I expected it to be 23rd tbh. I do thing 30th is pushing it.

What a weird thing to post.


why reroll on fresh if you want to start wrath with some decent raid gear ?!?!?! that makes no sens lol
fresh players expect to have epic flying and dual spec unlocked before wrath releases as well ? and enough gold for the mammoth ?

i feel there would be servers more appropriate for that…


They dont actually want a fresh start or a level playing field.

They fell so far behind on current servers they think itll be different and theyll be ahead on the fresh ones.

Reality checks are coming soon and itll be fun to watch that dumpster fire


Having the pre patch almost 5 weeks before wotlkc is a big mistake and should be the 23rd. Lets say there’s at least 2 days of server issues 1 tops that already take time away from ether leveling a DK even with the exp buff if you don’t play for a day or two cause off issues then that’s still time wasted.

As the Goblins say “time is money”+

Hell I don’t even want to log on till the pre patch hits which is another hit Blizzard is taking with all the people who are unsubbed and waiting to comeback.


Yeah I don’t get it either man I roll fresh to just hit level cap, grind out some prof, then run dungeons with my quest gear. These dudes wanting to go go go to sunwell and grind money to the moon on fresh are nut jobs.


I mean I was hoping for a longer prepatch too, but you get what you get


Lol so glad you said it… i was thinking the same thing.

Guy is malding and saying he doesn’t care LOL

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Be happy it’s a month long pre patch you spoiled f***ing ingrate


Isn’t the point of fresh servers is fresh? Not lvl to max before wrath and basically have bots farm gold for a month+ it would be no different than current servers we have…

Fresh means fresh, it would be better if they didn’t release new servers untill wrath came out that would be a true fresh economy, no gold farming for a month going into wrath, an actual fresh.

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Who hurt you?


What is the problem exactly , and you are having this tantrum ?

I mean I guess it depends Just because you’re rolling on fresh doesn’t mean people aren’t going to farm out the best cure they can get their hands on before wrath hits.

People will literally complain about anything omg


You are freaking out over nothing, the 30th is fine. I’ve been saying from the start that the 30th is the most likely date for pre-patch, it’s plenty of time for those for fresh realms they’re not exptected to have thousands of gold, epic flying etc.

Just under a month is plenty of time honestly, asking for more is insane.

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