I personally wish they had made Aug a support/healer hybrid
Since I run most of my healers as off DPS/try to capitalize on any buffs they may provide
I feel like it would have been better. For me personally. We don’t always need oodles if heals, just need to be topped off. We always need more buffs to increase attack power and speed.
We’d honestly need it to be closer to 50% for it to be worthwhile; our native DPS abilities are slow casting and because the spec needs so much mastery to be able to actually aug the only way for that to be fixed would be for the damage to be dramatically increased.
Because yeah: Upheaval and eruption with an extra 15% aren’t going to get anyone interested in the spec.
Blizzard erred in assuming that players in WoW want to help each other when in actuality, they’re all competing against each other. It’s why WoW players hate the idea of a support spec. They don’t want to support anybody or be supported.
Unfortunately, they fostered this mindset. Support can only work if there’s more than one, but even then, WoW players would moan and complain the entire time. They don’t want to play an RPG.
Honestly I’d rather they just rework it into a full melee dps at that point if they honestly can’t figure out how to balance it as a DPS with support gameplay.
Like I’d still rather have a support spec and ultimately work towards a mechancial system that gives players the freedom to build comps that allow them to approach dungeons in a more nuanced manner then Tank holds aggro and positions, healer cleanses and heals, 3 dps bursts and tries to not stand in fire.
I mean… I do? I legitimately enjoy a class that matches my view of the whole being more important then the sum of it’s parts and it’s why I’ve championed the development of support as spec for years since Aug first dropped.
And honestly I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that when Aug Dropped it was incredibly strong at support and as such folks got bitter when their spec got left out in the cold because certain specs could go higher and farther then others due to the nuances of the content at that time.
Doesn’t matter that the spec requires a ton of skill to play properly, has pitiful DPS and if things go sideways it can’t carry DPS in a fight the way a more conventional DPS can.
And to be clear: I’m not mad because the spec isn’t S tier. I’m mad that it’s basically been gutted to the point where you’re literally better off with anyone else that has an actual internet connection and has no niche in any area of gameplay.
They’d still be miles behind considering what Flameshaper devastation can do in keys with good tanks. I’m slowly starting to get used to Firestorm and the re-implementation of nuclear weapons.
I agree at some people here:
Give us the support role!
Add 2-3 other support specs (new class like Bard e.g.) and then balance it around that.
And ofc: 6men dungeon grps!
Then supporters should not deal super dps, just support. No FOTM specs, just nice to have.
And let them go with Tank Brann @ Delves so they don t feel super bad there.
Some stuff like good shields, hps/mana reg, rupt (new cc form), SMALL dmg etc. etc.
For M+ and Raid, there’s no such thing as a fixed comp. You can go in with two tanks and three DPS of just five tanks if you wanted. Heck, five-tank M+ runs completing portals is a meme that actually happens for dungeons that don’t have strict burst-DPS requirements.
Adding support specs would be awesome, and then just make dungeons 6 mans.
2 dps heals tank support.
Some obvious support specs:
Enhancmenet shaman
Disc priest
Arcane mage
balance druid
Could even make the “support” spec a hero talent that chanegs your role to support
This could also make it function to give tank/heal specs to classes witout them