Augmentation Evoker Support powers for Some Healers

I am just saying it isn’t outside of the realm of possibility. I wouldn’t take Ion’s word at face value for a lot of things since he has a non-zero track record of going back on statements (no pulling of the rip cord btw).

Obviously it wouldn’t be on the level of buffs as Aug as it would need to compare to other healers offensive throughput, but they 100% could shift power out of Mind Blast and such and throw stats/on-hits/leech into Atonement itself as an avenue of making this “work” as a healer.

Who cares its just a skinny lizard that heals which nobody asked for

Damage is damage in my opinion because the game is a cooperative one rather then a competitive one despite the drama that ensues in the ranks of the DPS meter and log watching demographic.

I can see this being an a 4th role pickup. Raid is obvious and m+ you might have tank, 2 dps, 1 aug and 1 healer. BARD! Yay lol

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Hpala its a requirement also. If you aint your not playing hpala very well.

What does dealing damage do for a Holy Pally?

Generates holy power which you then use to throw big heals, WoG and BL. Holy Light and Flash Heal take forever to cast and Holy Shock with its cooldown isn’t exactly the thing to use if you need some heals in a timely fashion.

But that’s not damage = healing like with Disc. Its more like a resource generating ability that does negligible damage if any.

Im not interested in the dragon folk race or evoker in the least, but I might check it out if this new spec is as interesting as it sounds.