Augmentation Deep Breath optional?

I have tried all specs of evoker and I like AUG the best.

But I hate having to use Deep Breath. Is it a huge nerf or a way to talent out of having to use it? I just hate being forced to move and sometimes run into things and its just janky? IDK maybe i shouldnt even be using it at all? IDK

Any thoughts or feel the same way?


It’s your biggest cooldown and you would be giving up a lot if you didn’t use it.

Firstly, going scalecommander and having Maneuverability makes a big difference. You have more control and you don’t need to worry about trying to mouse the ability getting silly no path messages.

Secondly, a HUGE quality of life improvement for me was macroing in cancel deep breath into my abilities like eruption, upheaval, fire breath and azure strike. It means that you can essentially click deep breath, then as soon as you apply it to the enemy, cancel the cast.

You can do something similar anyway by re-clicking the spell, but it requires the GCD to have finished, and I personally MUCH prefer being able to cancel the cast in 0.3 seconds if i fancy it (by clicking the new ability I want to cast instead). It makes everything feel far less clunky, more responsive and an overall smoother experience.

Find what works for you. o7

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it’s actually the best spell visually idk why you wouldn’t use it as a DRAGON that breathes fire

Ok, I’m only recently coming back to the game after a long absence and a lot of these systems are new to me.

But can you please explain how you have MORE control with Maneuverability? When I cast it, my dude flies for about 50 yards and turns like a 757! It’s entirely un-usable in dungeons because I either fly off an edge or pull another group since I can’t change direction.
Am i doing something wrong or missing a control somewhere?

Thanks in advance.

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You can actually turn instead of going in a straight line and you can cancel it as soon as you hit the targets you were aiming for. When playing Scalecommander, you have to cancel deep breath/breath of eons as to avoid flying the whole distance.

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Hit deep breath again to cancle casting the spell.

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@Dracnoxas that works but only after the GCD has completed, and it can be buggy.

I had a very unfortunate experience in a m10 towards the beginning of this expansion on that boss where it leaves pools of purple on the floor, and if you stand in them, you die at higher key levels. I was spam clicking Deep Breath to try to cancel it to stay in the little boss circle area but it wouldn’t stop. Yeeted me into the purple. Ended up killing me, causing a wipe, and the group fell apart.

Having a cancel macro is far more responsive, faster and feels much smoother in my experience.


100% agree. I use the cancelaura macro as well, but didn’t mention it since it involves advanced play. Figured I would leave that information out for a returning player, as I feel its best to get the basics down first. But once this macro is in your arsenal, it’s a night and day difference for optimizing your flexability and responsiveness.