Augmentation 5man Prescience past 2

So i can easily keep prescience on the 2 dps… but i can also do a 3rd if i use in on CD, But when I do a 3rd sometimes the prescience will drop from one of the dps for a few seconds.

  1. Do you ever cast prescince on the tank or heals because you can? and let the dps drop for a moment or two?

  2. if you use in on CD should it go on tank or heals?

Thanks all

  1. If you do is it better on the tank or heals?

Yes, prio tank over heals on this. It’s better to have prescience up as much as you can in a dungeon vs holding it for a DPS, assuming it’s minimal downtime on them. I can generally have 4 up sometimes but 3 have pretty much full uptime (generally just attempt to keep it on both DPS>tank). It’ll just get better as mastery gets higher.

Unless it’s specifically a moment you know the healer needs a little extra throughput, the tank will be better for sure.

Keep in mind not to overthink it too much–our spec is about maximum buff uptime on EM and sands, which will happen on its own in dungeons.

Prescience is largely powerful because it directs our EM (in raid where there are more than 4 other possible targets), not because of the actual buff/fate mirror. Having more uptime on it is better than just sitting on it to avoid a DPS losing a few seconds of it.

awesome! thank you for that.

So as long as I stay up with my rotation GCDs, there will be times when I can get 4 out for like 1-2 seconds. but what that may mean is I just put up the 4th on a healer and the DPS prescience falls off until 10 seconds later (prescience CD).

So is that cool? or should I wait and just guarentee the dps will have it again and not prescience the priest?

I know i know over thinking… but just seem SO weird to have a dps sit with no prescience just bc i can get four of them going for a second or 2, and having tank/heal/1 dps buffed.

does that make sense?

thanks again!

In a situation where I can get a 4th up, but a DPS is 1-2 seconds from dropping theirs, I’m just waiting and reapplying. If there’s 5 or so seconds left, I’ll generally send the 4th out.

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Thank You!!!

I pretty much just smash Prescience the moment it’s off CD, you can get it on 4 targets if you’re doing it right and your gear is good. The reason I want to use it off CD is because it can proc Essence Burst which really helps me keep Ebon Might up, I found when I was being more picky about what targets got Prescience I was not able to keep Ebon Might up as long because I was holding Prescience to maximize the buff uptime on DPS but my Ebon Might uptime was suffering because of it.

Prescience is good for all classes so it’s not really worth being super picky about who gets it and I don’t tend to worry about if it falls off a dps for a few seconds, Ebon Might is far more important in terms of maximizing output. In raid you will want to be using Prescience on dps who have CDs running or just about to have CDs running but in mythic+ it’s 100% fine to just press Prescience the moment it’s ready and even let it automatically select for you. It’s ok if you need to hold it for a second or two but if you’re holding it longer than that Ebon Might uptime will suffer. You will be able to reach 3k no problem doing it like this, maybe there’s a slightly more optimized strat but it’s only going to make a difference if you’re in that top .01% of players.

It’s far more valuable on some classes than others, and far more valuable to go on the tank third and not the healer.

Fine according to whom? If you just mash it on cd without paying attention to who it’s going on you’ll have much more downtime on your DPS than if you waited for one to expire before applying it again, everyone’s getting EM either way, so there’s not a lot of reason to prioritize getting a 4th onto a healer vs. waiting a second or refreshing an expiring DPS pres.