Aug vs Dev damage question

Hey, just curious what my dmg difference should be b/T my Aug and dev spec. I’m talking about personal dps.

Should I be expecting to do double the damage on dev or is it supposed to be a lot closer? My personal damage just seems low in 0’s at the moment and I want to make sure I’m not missing something.

There’s no real number I can give you, because a lot of factors like dungeon and group comp can drastically affect this.

You should definitely be doing at least double the personal damage of an Aug if you’re playing dev, though.

Also depends on hero talents. I think flameshaper will do much more bursts, while scalecommander has a part that is comming from everyone (bombardements).

Dev should be doing x2 more direct dmg than aug, I personally am pretty bad at dev but I do feel like I can do quick short burst of higher #s in augie with fire breath and Upheaval.