Aug starting at level 10 doesn't work blizz

it’s aug, its support. go dev or pres if you want to level

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The issue with Aug is if you want to level with it, 10 to about 30-35 is a bit slower than it should be. 35-50 is fine on remix (should be ok come expansion). can’t speak for 50-60 as I was oneshotting things via remix tinker bs.

See this right here is what I was trying to get at in my post. I probably should have been more specific there. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Maybe the trolls wouldn’t have come drooling to reply.

Not agreeing with you isn’t trolling.

yes it is guy, now start agreeing or we are reporting you to the authorities

Watch your tone, fellow echo chamber detractor.

Shouldn’t they fix survival first? Not only is it slow to level as because you have to buy every single dps ability and don’t get many of them until later on, but you can’t even play survival 1-10 on retail, much less worry about a limited time event. They don’t even get raptor strike, what should be a baseline ability, until level 11. So swap to devastation, blow some stuff up, or queue for things.

What kind of adjustments would you have them make for a 90 day event to make a spec more playable when you can just switch to Dev temporarily them switch back? Some specs perform better at lower levels than others. This has been a fact of WoW for years now. Just because it’s something you don’t want to do does not change the truthfulness of the statement.

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UsE hOvEr MoAr!!! That will fix 100% of all your annoyances.