I was thrilled that devastation brought in a destro warlock like playstyle without a pet, and a healer spec on DF announcement! Was the most fun I have had in years, and then augmentation came out and now nobody wants me unless I’m an aug, and I do not like support specs in WoW at all, so I’ve just benched my evoker in PvE until something is done. In b4 “just play dev” why would you bring a dev evoker, when aug does everything so much better other than just raw damage?
Absolutely no offense intended, but you’re not doing content where an Aug would even be better than a dev.
Community perception is the issue, especially in lower content where a dev brings way more damage and you don’t need the utility to survive.
After the buffs it’s literally better to bring a dev to anything that doesn’t specifically require the survivability/utility (aka almost everything in the game)
The biggest question on the debate Aug vs Dev…
Can the Dev dps outshine the support of the Aug?
The answer in 99% of content is yes.
27+ m+ and mythic fyrakk do not agree
Did I miss something or did you just not read my post before responding?
To bad 99% of the content is faceroll so the answer is Aug.
This makes no sense.
Also, why are you wearing one piece of tier?
Ellesmeres group was running dev on some 29s last week.
That’s like saying, “Everything is so easy, I rather tie a boulder around my ankle.”
If content is easy, you can clear it faster with Devastation. Aug just serves as training wheels for a few people in Raid and in M+, outside of making one-shots into survivable damage through their mini-Rallying Cry or Breath of Eons shield, is kind of meh.
If you look at the logs, this simply isn’t true. You don’t see more dps, hps, parse %, etc. Aug is a scam and I play only Aug.
Talking about raids. Aug impact in M+ is nuts, almost a must have class.
Wait, what isn’t true?
Aug isn’t a ‘must have’ class until you are in the 25-28 range, and there are some devs running 27 keys or so.
Anything below that a competent dev will be totally fine and bring a lot more dps.