Aug losing its juice - Make it a tank spec

Since Aug will no longer buff tanks and healers in the coming patch, just make it a tank spec. The earth thematic fits it perfectly, so make it make sense.


I would actually really like a melee DPS spec using magic and their claws to deal damage.

Mostly because I do not tank so I just don’t care for a tank spec




i’d rather see it boosted back to a multirole support spec, buff the healing, damage, and movement utility, but also add the ability to tank in a pinch if the actual tank dies with the boss at 5% or something.


Tank or melee spec would be great. Make azure strike a claw swipe style ability, change living flame to an instant, cone aoe breath attack too.

Would be cool to have a transformation ability to become a tanky draconid.


This would guarantee they’ll be perma meta. Worst take ever.

What? Might as well boost dps as well when you lose a player. Such a bad take. You realize they’re nerfing them to move away from buffing tanks & healers? This would contradict that.

One can hope. Free the dragon race. Embrace the drake form.

just add a 6th spot for a support role in M+

that would be pretty cool actually, i’m thinking something like a passive talent that causes all party and raid members to deal 20% increased damage/healing for 20 seconds any time a party/raid member dies, can stack, no limit on stacks.

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This would fix nothing. It would only add to more problems for a team with very limited resources. The last two patches have been buggy and your solution to fix the Aug dilemma is to add to their workload? Nice trolling there.

I was being sarcastic when I said that. If they did that, then you would see boosting become even worse and it would incentivize degenerate levels of game play. Not to mention that it would become GOD tier when pushing new content since players constantly die.

Probably no point replying to you, tbh. It seems as though you’re just trolling. GL out there with those bad take of yours.


go roof houses in july, then get back to me if you think software developement is “hard work”

this is a premium game, “workload” is no excuse.

its buggy because bobby kotic fired all the QA staff to pocket their pay for himself.

i mean, it sure would be nice to be compensated for having to carry the main tank’s girlfriend.

just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it bad.

All for a 6th group slot, once they add more than one support class/spec in the game. This assumes they choose to do so.


Tbh, I just don’t see it happening. They could allocate resources to make it work, but let’s be real:

  • Return on investment would be minimal.
  • Workload for the dev team would increase significantly.
  • Players would complain endlessly about balancing issues.

And let’s not forget: if they add a 6th group slot and it doesn’t work, it could completely break what’s already functioning. What’s the upside for Blizzard? In a perfect world, they could implement your idea, and it would work flawlessly right out of the gate. But let’s be honest—that’s never been the case, and this wouldn’t be the exception.

You know what would yield a high reward with minimal effort or resources? Deleting Aug.

I’m using the word “delete” loosely here. When I say delete, I mean doing what they did to Enhancement Shamans years ago when they were the first pseudo-support spec. Look at them now—topping the meters, and everyone’s happy with it.

Rework Aug into a proper tank or DPS spec, and call it a day. No more constant nerfs, no more debates about its role. Just a straightforward spec that fits into the game’s established structure and doesn’t come with all the baggage. Problem solved.


I think you’re insane for thinking that Evoker should get an earth-based tanking spec before Shamans do.


it doesn’t make sense at all, it would be better as a full dps, no one wants a tank for evokers.

Unequivocally untrue. The forums were full of posts asking for a tank spec before aug was revealed to be a support.


I ‘member then, it was practically assumed the third spec was gonna be a tank. Was big hype on it too, pres/dev were fun and a tank spec in that same design space so you’d have a mail wearer covering all roles? I mean, the dragon class had to have a tank spec, it just plainly made sense. Not getting it so soured me on the class I can’t even enjoy it anymore.

Really honestly, I hate Aug cause Aug wasn’t a tank. If evoker got a tank spec and ANY other class got Aug, or something close, I still wouldn’t like it but I wouldn’t give 2 sh*ts. Short of shaman getting a tank spec, evoker woulda been a perma class for me.


Evokers were created by the Earthwarder. They got dibs.

In all seriousness, yeah a tank spec based largely on Azure Strike and Empower spells could definitely work. They could even reconfigure Blistering Scales and make it a tanking ability for the caster.


Vanilla WoW Shamans had Air, Fire, Water and Earth totems. A Shaman tank doesn’t have to be an Earth Warden, rather a Geomancer or Primalist. Shaman tank has been heavily requested to be an actual thing for 20 years now while a lot of players see Evokers as a complete mistake. So, no - Evokers don’t have dibs.

Don’t be daft. If you want to ask, hope, prey, etc. for a shaman tank spec, have at it. No class is any more entitled than any other.


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Nice necro