Anyone feel like the class is unplayable to winable conditions without comm? Unless the other DPS has a brain you just lose. if the other dps gets trained you lose. if you get trained the other person isn’t getting buffed and you lose. we do not really bring anything with the nerfs that would cause a swing in the game.
I know pvp isn’t created around shuffle, but even AWC teams are not playing aug anymore because its too easy to shut down or not a threat anymore.
I agree they needed a nerf, but 230+ rounds in this week. lost 300+ rating, and over half the games go 3-3 in the 2k+ bracket (now down to 1700)
If you have the right comp (non-utility class) you have a chance, Ret/war/dk/dh etc. anything else and its an uphill battle of playing hide behind a pillar (due to 25 yard range) while your dps can cast or you go in the open and get beamed by everything and die due to removal of the survivability.
end rant, just want to know others thoughts after the nerfs. pve is fine and I still really enjoy it. but pvp I’m going to play something else.