Aug Evoker shows why DPS meters are bad

Boy, it’s very funny seeing all the players be like “you got low dps”. Such a toxic community when it comes to stuff like that.


The manboobs really make this post.


DPS meters are great. Don’t blame the failures of the tool on its bad users.


Apparently Blizzard broke something with the api for the meters so other players can’t get an accurate view of the support specs contribution.

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I hope that’s a joke. Broke something? Sure, attribution of the damage source to a third party. If Blizzard’s got a fix for that up it’s sleeve to keep a buff channel open for attribution of damage sources, I’ll be amazed at their prescience and promise myself to never call them small indy company again.


“broke” was the wrong word to use, more like omitted.


I heard one of my favorite words… where?!

By your logic, the fact that stupid/ignorant people exist who undoubtedly misuse something due to their stupidity, makes everything they touch “bad”

as a non augvoker dps, meters are great to see what you’re doing real time without having to wait until after the entire fight/key to figure out how u did and what u can do to improve.

Now I have augvokers fake dps inflating my numbers so I can’t my true output in real time when trying to perfect a spec (main or alt). People will learn eventually.

Many people saw this very issue with the meters and Aug coming up all throughout the testing lmao.


Dps meters like details aren’t programmed to give buffed dps from other people to the evoker

Stop having low dps then.

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I was doing some mythics last night on my paladin and warlock, and it was genuinely funny that in several of them at least one person went after our aug evoker. There is now a Reddit post dedicated to the phenomenon.

I really don’t lay it at the feet of the damage meters. I lay it at the feet of the people behind these screens who are insufferable. Seeing some of the behavior toward evokers (in low keys by the way) and the way my wife has been treated in LEVELING dungeons (she just subbed. Playing with her is really the reason I am back) I absolutely believe that the better part of this community is just…bad. I’m now of the mind that the people who say “Oh, well I haven’t experienced it.” are the ones dishing it out.

And no, I don’t think it is exclusive to wow. I’m sure it is present in almost every game on the market. But to quote a comedian who had it right: Some people suck.



Best part is getting called out by someone named Babyfart :rofl:

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It’s almost like the multibillion dollar company could just maybe afford to make their own damage meters that display everything correctly, rather than expect mod-makers to do their job for free.

Yeah until dps meters have a way to track them I’m not surprised. WoW players legit aren’t the smartest. Personally I look forward to running content with them and seeing what they can contribute. But AUG is meant for… not PUGS.

I mean with the way wow has been played for years…those using any type of logic saw the amount of issues having a support class added to the game was going to cause.

Of course there’s tons of confusion and upset folks in random keys etc… Lets be honest lots of folks probably have no clue what aug even does because they had no interest in it or the patch notes leading up to this.


Returning player from a long break here. And to be honest, while I haven’t tried the new class or race, I’m not surprised by this. I’ve always played a demonology spec warlock, ever since I first started during Burning Crusade. And over the years I lost track of how many times I got accused of cheating, hacking the game, and so forth because I did something radical… I READ THE TALENT DESCRIPTIONS. Further, I didn’t go affliction or destruction spec and call it a day. Instead I opted for demonology. And while my raw damage output wasn’t as high as it could have been, I made up for it with the ability to instantly hot swap pets, sacrifice my Void then insta-cast summon a new one, and a bunch of other shenanigans which more then made up for slightly lower DPS.

I also played City of Heroes. It was my first MMO, in fact. And so many times I saw support types getting booted as “xp leaches” because their character couldn’t heal, even though the party didn’t need healing due to the strong buffs and debuffs. Meanwhile the “pure healer” types who only took (let alone used) 1/10th of their abilities (and none of the best ones) got praised for “making the party gods”. Yes, the idjits who only had 2 or 3 heals (with the aoe one on auto-cast) and maybe a rez got praised, while the people doing the hard work of actually protecting the group were booted… even though none of the healing going out was actually needed.

Hell, in Dungeons & Dragons Online I got booted once for being a “bad healer”, even though I was actually able to partly keep up with incoming damage despite everyone else in the group being immune to divine magic based healing and me doing divine magic based healing.

So people getting booted for “bad DPS” due to idiots not understanding how a buffer works? No surprise to me.

Proof that pushing buttons doesn’t make people smart

Wow never has had a support class so it makes sense that players have no idea how aug. Evoker works. Its just they aren’t smart and kick ppl from groups for no good reason.