Just had someone mention they don’t believe the Aug Evoker buffs our pets. I am curious if this is accurate. Anyone know for certain one way or another?
believe it’s working properly in game, just a problem with the combat hook so WCL isn’t logging it properly
The Augvoker I’ve grouped with gives me Crit, Vers and Agi. All of these transfer directly to pet. Fate Mirror is a proc you get from the Evoker and Details says it’s proccing off pet attacks, albeit rarely.
If anything, I think Aug is just undertuned in M+ right now. Everyone was doing about the same DPS they were before Aug, but it might just be an issue with Details.
Just finished our weekly Heroic raid and we had an Augment Evoker for most of the raid. This is what we found.
- Top two DPS are myself (BM Hunter) and a Ret Paladin.
- Augvoker is using Prescience on both to ensure they are buff targets.
- Using WCL and Details to determine what each player is gaining from Aug.
- Ret(and other specs/classes) is gaining ~15-20k each fight. BM is gaining ~1.5-4.5k each fight.
Unless there is a major issue with logging of Augvokers, BM is getting far less benefit than other specs. This isn’t really surprising, considering our history. If this isn’t just a logging error, I can see a few problems on the horizon for BM.
- Less likely to be invited to raids, as the Evoker can only choose two of their 4 targets for buffs. If the BM Hunter is chosen, DPS is lost.
- In M+, you only have three DPS. Augvoker and BM in the same group is a bad idea.
- In PvP, we’ll see the same thing. Evoker will likely be very strong in PvP, but only if they don’t have a BM Hunter on their team.
Yes, I believe there is an issue with logging and pets
Combat Hook Issues
However, things aren’t exactly perfect in the world of damage attribution via the combat hooks. The Blizzard combat hooks don’t account for some instances which do occur rather frequently:
- The problem of pets returns again. Damage done via pets and guardians isn’t attributed back to the Evoker. This means that if you buff an Unholy DK or Demonology Warlock, they will be showing as doing more damage than their actual contribution, and your contribution will be showing as lower than intended.
Accumulator Spells
- These are spells which accumulate extra damage and include
Touch of the Magi, and
Execution Sentence. The explosion damage is not correctly attributed to the Augmentation Evoker despite the Augmentation Evoker contribution to the accumulation. If you buff a Fire/Arcane Mage or a Ret Paladin, they will be showing as doing higher than their actual contribution and your contribution will be showing as lower than your actual contribution.
Healing Contribution
- Healing contribution that is increased by Augmentation Evokers is not allocated back to the Augvoker.
However, Blizzard mentioned in the Warcraft Logs interview that they are aware of some abilities that aren’t attributed correctly, but they have plans on how to work through that soon.
Details & In-Game Damage Meters
Do not use Details or In-Game Damage Meters to evaluate the contribution of an Augmentation Evoker.
Unfortunately, Blizzard did not make any hooks for Augmentation Evoker for in-game damage meters.
Funny they don’t list Hunters. I don’t think of pets when I think of DK. I think diseases and strikes. Pets are secondary.
Historically I’ve always felt that pets and hunters are always messed up in the logs. Whether it be on the interpretation end or the logging end.
The cynic in me says instead of addressing the logging issue with pets, Blizzard will decide BM Hunters are doing too much damage and nerf them. Then BM will be terrible without an Aug Evoker in the group buffing them directly.
Someone suggested Augmentation is Blizzard’s answer to people using logs to demand class tuning. Make logging so complicated, we won’t even be able to tell when things need tuning. lol
I just ran a 21 HoI with an Aug, and I did 150k overall DPS - that’s around 25-30k higher than what I’d normally do in that dungeon. Seems like we’re getting a pretty sizeable boost from them.
That being said, the Aug’s DPS was 45k overall. And this was someone with like a 3300 M+ rating. Maybe they were just slumming it in lower keys to figure stuff out, but if that’s a decent DPS figure for Aug then I’m not really sure the overall benefit is worth it. Third DPS was a ret pally who did 120k overall DPS, and despite the run being incredibly smooth with only a few deaths and no wipes, we still timed the dungeon with less than a minute left.
You’re supposed to attribute the extra damage the group is doing to the Evoker. It’s supposed to be balanced around the Evoker doing about the same damage as the other DPS. That 25-30k extra damage you were doing is technically the Evoker’s DPS. Add in the third DPS and the tank, and the Evoker should be doing well.
Right I get that, but even assuming the ret pally also got 20-25k, that means the Aug wasn’t even cracking 100k total if you transfer our increased DPS to them. Maybe with the tank’s damage it would be over 100k but not by that much, and 100k ain’t impressive at all. Again could just be that the person wasn’t playing optimally, but they were over 3k rating on their evoker so it’s not like they were completely new to the class and had just rerolled.
Well, it’s important to remember the spec is brand new. Nobody has really had time to get good at the spec yet. In a M+, they’re helping everyone else in the group as well. Most of it is DPS help, but they’re also helping the healer.
Yes that’s certainly possible, and I’m guessing they were in our 21 to try stuff out before taking it to really high keys. It’ll be interesting to see what happens as people get more familiar with the spec.
I got a 30k dps buff as BM in ST in raid…not sure where you got 1.5-4.5k. Just take the average of what you did before Aug and then after. It’s literally that simple. On M Experiments I was doing about 100k on average and with Aug I went to 120-130k.
They weren’t slumming it or trying to figure out the spec…some classes just don’t benefit anywhere near as much as other. BM is one of the worst and Ret isn’t much better. Timing all you CDs and Burst with Aug’s Breath of Eons is a big part as well.
The huuuuuuge main issue with Aug is their empowered spells grant Verse…which makes no sense since some specs Verse is insanely good for and some it’s useless. Any spec that Verse is their main stat to begin with get a significantly less damage increase. They should have made it either add a flat % damage increase or Highest Secondary. But Verse…of all stats or things to buff.
Any BM hunter im buffing has done pretty crazy AOE damage in M+.
Pets can also get the buffs, I mean I’ve been able to prescent it on accident.