Why is literally every guide saying Aug is doing “more damage” than Dev? My only question is if the spec is doing more personal damage instead of dev if it does what’s the point of playing dev anymore or maybe I am missing something.
That is in reference to perfectly coordinated groups. In your average pug dev is better.
But this is what every class with 2 dps specs go through. Literally nothing unusual. Play what you enjoy lol.
It’s not doing more personal; the contribution from buffing allies plus the personal damage will, at the moment, be higher than Dev in coordinated groups.
Play what you like.
It definitely isn’t doing that.
Usually people are referring to a coordinated group environment where everybody’s syncing cooldowns to specific throughput windows.
So unless you’re in a highly coordinated group, play whatever. I prefer Dev.
Don’t play Aug, play dev scale commander
Triple welding beam is fun
I just crested 4mil crit Engulfs (not counting the Consume Flame damage of 300~500k).
I figured out the flow to maximize the bomb.
I don’t thing Aug is going to be able to top that if I can frontload over 9mil damage in the first 4 GCDs of a fight.
Its because of the utility on this water boy spec that blizzard is forcing down everyone’s throats because its the only “support” spec in the game so its basically guaranteed to be taken into everything on principal which is making it impossible to be brought into keys on an actual DPS spec (Dev) but for some reason blizz thinks its ok to have someone not do anything but throw up buffs the entire time and be viable vs someone who actually has to do damage and contribute.
Dev and pres have the same utility as aug.
That would feel awful if it were the case, but it’s not really the case.
There’s always a meta at the literal top end. If you’re struggling to get into a (old system)+15-20 or (new system)+5-10, it’s not because you’re Devoker.
Have you ever even actually played Aug?
Even in DF S2 where they were arguably cracked, you still had to actually play the game as Aug. That’s become even more true as time went on because Blizzard has slowly shifted more of the spec’s power into its own throughput.