Auctionator not displaying crafted necks correctly

does anyone use auctionator, and sell their JC crafted necks? this affects my rings as well, but only on my laptop. so far it’s only affecting JC things.

when i go to sell necks thru the auctionator sell page, the necks are displayed in multiple stacks, and i can only list as many as are in whatever stack i clicked on at a time. same exact necks, same exact ilvl, all made by me at the same time. i’ve tried all the standard things (cache/wtf folder, fresh re-install, no other addons, no other addons AND a fresh re-install) and nothing is fixing it. made a post on the githib about it but the owner couldn’t replicate the bug, so i gave up.

but if anyone else has seen this, especially if there’s a fix for it, i’m all ears.