Auction Sniping - What are your thoughts?

so there could be hundreds of people actually at the auction house at any given time so you could have just caught someones attention with your post. I have posted mats for fair price, not undercutting anyone, and had several stacks sell immediately. Just happens sometimes.

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Except, not. I don’t use any add-ons. If I score a good deal, it’s because I happened to be in the right place, at the right time.


You don’t actually know what empathy is, do you?

You use empathy to mean “People who agree with me”.

I told you - empathy is simply considering how you’d feel in somebody else’s place. People don’t seem to feel that being in your shoes is that upsetting.

Now, BEING you, that would be upsetting, tiger.

Maybe you should show empathy towards the buyer, feel the joy he felt at making a score, and stop whining.


You still don’t understand how this all works do you?

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Outright capitalists can have morals. It appears you’ve been deceived into thinking they are a complete self centered Darwinian bunch.

For example, when someone wants to give me something for free at a restaurant I refuse it. It has nothing to do with capitalism or not, I simply feel bad and feel I should be paying a fair price for what I receive. Capitalism is a laissez faire, government hands off type of economic system of trade (which is repetitive).

How individuals interact within this framework of freedom is irrelevant, and shows you’ve been brainwashed into the “capitalists are greedy horrible people group”.

I wish Blizzard would severely restrict the use off addon functions tied to the AH. It encourages people with minimal effort to continue to inflate the value of things. If it was 100% manual i would have zero issue with people putting in a ton of time making money on the AH.

As it is now someone with a second account can run those addons while they play their main and snipe tons of items. Its highly possible the addon is being automated but the player is tabbed over and only has to respond to someone verifying a player is present.


I use TSM in Retail.I seldom sit and scan the ah because I find it boring and I have enough gold and enough inventory to last me a long,long time.I don’t have any problems with being sniped,and I have managed to make a 2 million gold mistake before.I just buckled down and bought nothing until I made it back,and learned to always double check,and never group post high ticket items,mistakes are harder to catch,and I’m no genius at setting up TSM pricing. That being said,I have made some good friends by buying super low items that were obvious mistakes and offering them back to the seller for what I paid.Unless the seller whispers me and screams or berates me for buying it.Then they can forget it.


I get you’re frustrated but you actually posted it for that amount, regardless if you canceled it almost immediately. I’ve had it happen to me too, maybe not with an epic, but I posted some stuff for a few silver instead of gold and it was gone almost instantly.

It’s not a lack of empathy to say you mistyped and no one did anything wrong. it’s just the truth. You did mistype and people take advantage of it all the time to make money. I’ve been the victim and I’ve done it before (not botting). It sucks and it hurts to lose a BOE epic for some silver, but it is what it is. Sorry man.

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How do you mistakenly post an epic witha buy out in silver? Ah does vendor price+ a % for bid price. You would have to miss typed the price 2 times for it to allow you to post the auction.


This also sounds like a secondary description of most sporting events, or boxing matches, or races, or any number of situations where part of the “game” is to look, and capitalize on, the weaknesses of your opponents.

The same is true in game where the outcome of pvp is often dependent upon who makes the most, or biggest mistakes. Games (and real life) are full of these types of experiences.

If we change the rules on all of the things that give a benefit to someone who “exploits” a weakness, or mistake, we will be left sitting at home and starting at the TV screen, where we have no input in what is happening at all.

It is real life, dude. We have all been there at one time, or another. If you have a reasoning mind, you learn from the mistakes and avoid being disappointed in future. If you don’t, you walk around crying and asking everyone you talk with to “feel your pain” without even learning from the experience.

We all make choices. I don’t think you are looking at this situation from a real life vantage point, or you would see how rife life is with experiences where our mistakes teach us to “do better”.

This is an unfortunate experience, not a tragedy.



This is a reach. For your analogy to sports to make sense for this situation one player would have to have an unfair advantage over the other - in this case, a bot.

You wouldn’t make the argument that a player on steroids who manages to beat their opponent merely exploited a weakness, you would say they cheated.

Which is what happens with AH sniping. It’s cheating.

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Mmmmmm with addon use it’s more like there’s a race, and some people choose to run it on foot, but there’s no rule against driving it in a car, so some people drive, and they win. Are they at fault for driving while other people walk? Blizzard could break TSM into a billionty pieces, but they haven’t. They could ban people for using it, but they haven’t.

Or let’s say there’s a race, and someone trips. Do they stop the race, let them get up, and then continue? Or does the winner run ahead and capitalize on the mistake? If you see a deeply discounted item on the AH, are you supposed to mail the person who put it up to find out if they really, REALLY meant to do it?


If you possess empathy - yes.

But if you possessed empathy you wouldn’t be cheating.

Omfg get over yourself


No matter how many times you type it, using an addon that resides solely in the addons folder is not cheating. In fact, the addon can only do the things that Blizz allows it to do.


Ethics are a matter of morality, empathy and doing what’s right.

‘Cheating’ refers to a broken rule, which is an entirely separate issue.

Winning a footrace in a car when cars aren’t banned isn’t a matter of ‘cheating’, because cheating involves broken rules. There is no rule to stop a footrace when someone trips, so it wouldn’t be ‘cheating’ to do so.

Is it unethical? That’s more of a gray area, but ethics have nothing to do with what the rules actually are if your complaint is that rules are being broken.

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The only issue I have with this scenario is the potential AH bots. Botters deserve permabans. And Botting is indeed against the TOS, despite what any of those derps said.


In this case your “bot” claim is merely that …a claim. You do not know that this is a fact. Many players have been at the right place at the right time and won something that probably even surprised them. Your preference is to assume that it was a bot. I assume that makes the major “oops” seem less “personally painful” (?).

BUT…Claim/Assumption does not necessarily equal bot.

On the other hand, if a boxer comes into the ring having forgotten to put on his boxing gloves and gets quickly KO’d, it does not take a lot of thought to figure out who’s fault it was.

This example, in my opinion, is far more closely aligned with your experience than the one that you proposed until and unless you can prove otherwise.

Again, this is an unfortunate event, but not a tragedy. You would do well to just learn to exercise more care when you are selling something of inordinate value on the AH and move on.

As my employer, of over 20 years, always says…“no one died, so we will get over it”.

He’s a really nice guy and pretty much has his priorities right IMO.


So basically, this thread is “should I feel bad that somebody put something up for less than it’s worth and someone else bought it”.

Well. Literally could not happen if somebody didn’t post something on the AH for less than it was worth to begin w/.

So I feel like it’s a learning moment.


It isn’t botting. Auction house addons allow you to store a list of historical pricing data which gives you a market average for the value of an item. You can then search for or sort items by % of market value and snatch up and flip everything grossly underprice–and there’s a lot of it. It isn’t botting. He’s sitting at his computer.

It obviously sucks and you have my sympathies, but it isn’t his fault that you mistyped. It happens. It’s probably happened to him. Empathizing with you doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to agree with you.