Auction restriction is turning away new players!

Me completely being stuck aside, Talking and reading through wow groups on different platforms, people are frustrated. Some who finally convinced their partners to play are no longer interested in trying. This update feels so destructive, literally most of us hate it and half our games were temporarily ruined with wasted game time and no talk on how Blizzard is planning on compensating for it.
Stop the madness.

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Short term pain, long term gain. I am for most anything that helps them get a handle on RMT + botting. If you finally convinced someone to play, they should probably be fine with it too because now it is just part learning the game.

Big deal, so now bots just make an account and let it sit for 31 days and then it is business as usual. It is only hurting the real players.

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Cuts into the profit margin if you have to own an account for 2 billing cycles rather than a burner. Creating an account and doing nothing on it for a month is also likely suspect in itself.

New players can’t afford the overpriced auction house anyway, lmao nice try

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EXACTLY! This doesn’t feel well thought out.