Blizz? Updates please
Still bugged
Same here on Stormreaver, and from talking to other players it has been 12+ hours since this has been broken? @blizz is anything being done about this?
Same windrunner. Can’t buy meats at all
Last post I can see from blue is 13 hours ago…
Same issue on Velen US.
Any plan to refund listing fees?
Bleeding Hollow has the same issue!
Same on Bleeding Hollow and only SL Meat too
Reporting the same here on Emerald Dream for both Raw Seraphic Wings and Shadowy Shanks
Same issue found on Gurubashi. Bug reported on my server. Please make sure you report bug as well in-game/
Logically one would think all listings of affected items would be returned to sellers. But then again we talking about Blizzard…
Same issue on Dark Iron… even though hundreds are listed it says “Item is no longer available” so I have reloaded, logged out and back in, everything, and it keeps showing everything but you cannot purchase the meats to make food.
I get the same issues on several meats trying to buy for food.
Every SL cooking meat I have tried to purchase has said item not available despite thousands being available.
US - Thrall
I have the same problem on Aerie Peaks. Trying to buy Raw Seraph Wings and crawler meat and there are thousands available at like 2 silver (an unbelievable price) but cant buy any.
Same thing on Area52 with only SL meats.
Baelgun AH Broken! Tenebrous Ribs and Creeping Crawler Meat are unpurchasable due to Bots buying and selling these items constantly. BAN THE BOTS!
Same on Stormrage, for the last 2 days. Can’t buy raw seraphic wings, as I keep getting the message “this item is no longer available” no matter how many times I update the list.
Also happening with Creepy Crawler Meat and the US Durotan server.
Just came back to check… With the oldest post being 18 hours old from what I can see, I am going to assume that Blizzard just doesn’t care because the issue has not been corrected, and they have not made any comments to let anyone know the situation or that they were working on fixing it.