Trying to buy mats to make food but it keeps giving me the response “Auction not found” when trying to buy some meats. Spent about 2 hours refreshing it with no luck.
Also experiencing this issue with meats, US-Dalaran.
Same thing happening for me. Replying for visibility. US-Mal’Ganis.
Same thing here. Always 2 listings for the item. Always says item not available. Multiple people on my server group saying same thing.
Edit: 2 days and counting.
Shadowy Shank has thousands listed and says "This item is no longer available. " I can buy other meat for cooking but not this. I closed the game, hit “Scan and repair” and still same result. I feel your pain.
Same on Proudmoore - both Raw Seraphic Wings and Creeping Crawler Meat continues to bug out and can’t be bought in any quantity on the AH. So much for making feasts to sell before raid night. What a joke. C’mon Blizzard.
Same here in Dalaran server, trying to buy Creeping Crawler Meat in AH and I can’t
Same issue with Tenebrious Rib and Phantasmal Haunch on US-Kargath. I even disabled all add-ons and it’s still messed up. Been like this for hours.
Same issue on NA-Azralon “This item is no longer available” for meat for cooking
Confirmed this is the same for BLEEDING HOLLOW. there are 2 auction house posts for each type of shadowlands tier cooking meats on the AH. it will not let you purchase the auctions even tho there are thousands “available”
Same on area 52 for meats for the feast
Confirming Proudmoore as well with this issue.
Illidan is also having this issue
Illidan server have the same issue i can confirm
Thrall, two results coming up for Tenebrous Ribs when trying to search for them.
Illidan 2 results for same item Tenebrous ribs cant buy nor sell
Same on US-Quel’thalas. Seems it just with meatsmaterials from SL, fish seems to work just fine.
Having this issue as well. Buying meats on Dalaran-US.
On Proudmoore, people are posting Tenebrous Ribs at a very low price due to not paying attention of someone placing one at a low price purposely to obtain more at a low price. However, right now, there are nearly 1000 listed at extremely low market price and can’t purchase any of them (between 35s and 1g when normally 10g or higher per unit).
same thing on zuljin-us