Auction house

My time is. No one would post any crafted gear for the prices that come up on there. It takes more than that to create expulsom. It takes more than that to buy the mats in some cases as well.

That is why I would like to know where the heck they come up with those prices.

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Your time is what? Nobody needs gold for anything

Scamming involves dishonesty, you can see the price an item is available for before purchase.

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Yeah and now I can purchase 10 items from your stack of 200. Thanks

Says the person wasting his time farming old raids for gold.

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I haven’t been in an old raid for months.

You are recommending people to farm old raids for that mount.

That literally is wasting people’s time.

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Better and more fun way to get gold than trying to scam it from somebody else’s’ pocket . I got my 5M without playing the AH

I had a lot of auctions that were successful at first but have sold nothing since.


According to you. No one is being scammed. They know the price of the good, they can just not buy it. They could just go and do a dungeon or PvP or whatever they do to get gear. No one is holding a gun to there heads saying you must buy this.

Stuff on the auction house is for other’s people convenience because they don’t want to ‘WASTE’ their time farming things. If people posting don’t make a profit and get rewarded for their time spent then they won’t post and people won’t that that option to buy.

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That’s where you’re wrong. I post items even if selling to the vendor would get me more $

You are losing money by selling on the auction house though if you post at their default price


That is currently what it costs to make one piece of leather legs.

The auction house default price is 117g.

The current selling price of dredged leather is 128g for EACH piece and you need 20, nevermind the rest of the mats.

Hey but you go ahead and keep selling for their default price. You won’t last long losing 3k+ on every transaction.

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Shame on you.

Actually undercutting is still a thing; Take “Bronze Bars” for instance, When you click “Buy” and type in “Bronze Bar” you will see one massive quantity but when you click that massive quantity you will see a window open to the right which shows all of them with their prices from low to high and the quantities for each one and simply chose from which stack you want to buy and the quantity you want to buy at that price, You don’t have to buy the entire stack anymore, Just the quantity of the stack you want to buy.

Sorry Leatherfoot, Didn’t see this quote until after I had posted:


I’ve sold more tmog in the past few days than I had in the past couple months.

I have not sold a single thing with this new auction house. I am selling standard mats, just herbs, fish, enchanting mats, ore etc and not a single sale. I stupidly continue to list my stuff on the ah - even at ridiculously low prices to test to see if I can get a sale
and nothing. It doesn’t seem right to me. I have been get the unsold auctions back, so this is not a mail problem. Previously i made between 50 and 100k per week.


On launch day i went ahead and bought a couple of those new Island expedition loot boxes, and got me two viking swords (I forgot the name of the item so i’m calling them viking swords). I sold both of them for 70k each.

It was honestly the most i had ever made on an auction. :neutral_face:

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It’s broke beyond all recognition.

What’s worse for me is that I was using the remaining time in BFA to raise the gold for the Brutosaur before it’s too late. This change to the AH couldn’t have been more inconvenient to that goal. It’s almost like a conspiracy to make it that much harder to get that stupid mount.

Damn, why couldn’t they have just left well enough alone?


How about you get some writing on a forum skills? Actually, just writing.

Woo, what a retort